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Archive for April, 2016

Top 15 tips to remember words when learning Russian

Hey Russian learner!

We recently gave you some shortcuts to learn Russian.
In your journey to become fluent and conversational in less time that is needed to say “Gotta catch ’em all”, we will this time give you the Top 15 tips to remember words!

1. Use repetition: reading, writing and speaking words over and over again.

2. Associate words with drawings, pictures and funny scenes.

3. Try to use the language routinely in the context of daily life.

4. Reading as much as possible, especially the newspaper, helps you to remember words.

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5. Learn about the roots of words and how different words are related to each other.

6. Speak as often as possible with native speakers.

7. Categorize new words with other related words that you already know.

8. Be persistent in practicing everyday by talking to your family or your dog, even though they don’t understand you.

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9. Say words out loud so that you can actually hear them.

10. Associate new words with words that sound similar in your native language.

11. Listen to songs and memorize the lyrics.

12. Often watch TV or YouTube videos that are designed for young children.

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13. Associate new words with stories, games or movies.

14. Try to use the new word in a simple sentence so you learn whole phrases, not just individual words.

15. Try to think in Russian, so it becomes natural to your thought process.

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If you follow all those tips, you will be a step closer to reach your goal. And remember, if you’re really interested in getting on the fast-track to fluency, sign up for a FREE lifetime account at!

The Top 5 Shortcuts To Learning Russian!

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Hey Listeners!

So you’ve decided to study Russian, now what?

Chances are you’re looking to become fluent and conversational as fast as possible, right? Well then, look no further! This is the list for you!

Without further ado, here are the top 5 shortcuts to learning Russian!

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1. Create A Study Schedule And Set Some Goals:
This one may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many unorganized language learners there are in the world! Creating a schedule allows you to manage your time wisely, enabling you to free up time to study consistently. Goals are also a key component of learning Russian. These give you motivation and something to strive for.

2. Make It Fun:
You may roll your eyes at this one, but it’s true! If you learn how to make your study time enjoyable, chances are you’ll be more inclined to study! Try changing it up every now and then with something new. Watch a TV show in Russian or listen to some Russian music! The sky is the limit!

3. Find A Language Partner:
This is one surefire way to improve your conversational skills. Having a language partner allows you to practice your target language in a conversational manner. This will help you gain fluency even faster!

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4. Use Word Lists To Build Up A Solid Vocabulary:
This is a great way to build up your fluency, one word at a time. At RussianPod101, you can use one of our many word lists. Choose whichever topic you want to study and go!

5. Make Mistakes:
Lastly, don’t be afraid to make mistakes! In fact, make a lot of them! Nothing helps you improve more than correcting your own errors. If you catch yourself saying something wrong, you’re likely to remember it the next time around. So just remember, everyone makes mistakes! Learn from them!

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Again, there is no magical, overnight way to learn Russian. However, doing a few or all of these will help you out substantially. And remember, if you’re really interested in getting on the fast-track to fluency, sign up for a FREE lifetime account at now!

Introducing Our Brand New Dashboard!

Hey Listeners!

Guess what? Your language learning goals just got a little easier!

As you’ve probably realized by now, there have been some major improvements made to your dashboard! These updates have been designed to improve your overall experience with the website and help keep you organized and on-track! Here are a few of the changes:

  • Your progress is now tracked right, smack in the middle of the page to keep you motivated and organized.
  • A new, sleek and easy to navigate design allows you to worry less about where to click and more on learning Russian!
  • An enlarged profile picture that gives your dashboard a unique and more personal feel.
  • A new layout for the “Latest News” feed to keep you informed on all of the most recent updates.
  • Bigger buttons to make it easier on the eyes. Locate your all of your lessons and materials faster than ever.

Stay tuned, as more updates are being rolled out later in the month!

Enjoy your new dashboard,

Team RussianPod101

P.S. Get Access To Our My Teacher Tool For Extra Help!
As you may have noticed, on the left side of your dashboard is our My Teacher feature. This tool allows you to have 1-on-1 interaction with your very own personal teacher! This is only available to our Premium Plus subscribers, so be sure to upgrade if you want to take your studies to the next level!

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The Top 5 Reasons To Learn A New Language… NOW!

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Are you currently debating whether or not to learn Russian?

You aren’t alone. Learning a new language requires a huge investment of time, and often money as well. That’s why so many people are hesitant to spend the amount of effort required to become fluent in another language. However, learning a new language can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life and there are a number of reasons why you should start studying one… and start studying now!

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Start Studying Russian Now!

More Opportunities
That’s right. It’s not rocket science. A new language can open up many new doors. You’re able to work in countries other than your own, leading to a world of new opportunities. It can also qualify you for many new jobs in your home country as well! There are tons of employers who look to hire multilingual professionals every year!

Meeting New People
This may be one of the most rewarding parts of learning a new language. You’ll be able to get to know speakers of other languages on a more personal level. Meeting people from around the world is one of the main reasons people begin to study a language, so don’t ever feel like making new friends isn’t a good enough reason to start studying!

Exploring A Different Culture
Whether you decide to live abroad, or you’re just taking a vacation, knowing the local language will give you the ability to better understand the people and culture of a different country. This can open your eyes to not only their country, but your country as well! You can understand how people see your home from their perspective.

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Health Benefits
Good news! Studying a new language actually comes with health benefits! Studying a new language helps keep your brain sharp! By studying every day, you’re helping your mind fight off the old age and stay fresh!

Because It’s Fun
When it comes down to it, learning a new language is just plain fun! There’s always something new to learn and the rewards are endless! Whether your goal is to meet new people or to get a job in a new country, language learning is something that is actually enjoyable!

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There are millions of reasons to learn a new language, so what are you waiting for? Dive in head first and start studying with us! You can sign up for a FREE lifetime account and start achieving your Russian language goals today!

3 Tactics For Boosting Your Russian Listening Skills at RussianPod101

3 Tactics For Boosting Your Listening Skills

Hello Listeners,

When it comes to listening to and understanding Russian, most beginners struggle. They hear the few words they know. And the rest just fly in one ear and out the other. Does this happen to you too?

In this post, you’re going to learn about 3 tactics that are guaranteed to sharpen your listening comprehension skills!

1. Try Our Listening Comprehension Series

Try Our Listening Comprehension Series!

Click Here To Check Out Our Absolute Beginner Videos!

This is a complete lesson series dedicated purely to testing and improving your listening skills. You can find all of the videos from this series in the “Bonus Video Lessons” section of our site! In the video lesson, you’ll hear a dialogue in your target language. Then, you’ll be asked to answer a question about the dialogue to check if you understood the sentences. There are no translations except for the subtitles, so everything you hear is in your target language!

2. Review The Dialogue Again And Again

Review The Dialogue Again And Again!

Boost Your Russian Skills Now! Click Here To See Our Lessons!

Most learners listen to a listen and simply move on, but by reviewing it again, you make sure that you fully understand what you hear. The key to fully understanding a dialogue is to review it over and over again. With our audio lessons, you get the dialogue track so you can listen to the conversation without distractions.

3. Read Along With Our Line-By-Line Feature

Read Along With Our Line-By-Line Feature!

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Reading along is the best way to get the meaning instantly. With the Line-by-Line feature, or the PDF lesson notes, reading along is easier than ever! You can get the transcript of the dialogue in the target language, the transliterated version, or the translated version. This is available for all of the lessons in this series!

With these 3 tactics, you’re sure to improve your listening comprehension skills and get one step closer to your language learning goals! Try it out and let us know what you think!

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