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Lesson Transcript

Jo: Hello everyone and welcome to RussianPod101.com. This is the Upper Beginner Series, Season 1, lesson 13, Buying A Present for the Husband in Russia. I’m Jo.
Svetlana: And I’m Svetlana. Privet. In this lesson, we're going to learn the differences between тоже and то же.
Jo: And we will also listen to how Elena’s husband feels about her new fad.
Svetlana: The conversation is between Elena and her husband and it takes place at Elena’s home.
Jo: Since they are a couple they will be using informal Russian.
Elena: Дорогой, посмотри что я себе купила. Теперь я точно готова начать мои тренировки.
Husband: Мда... надеюсь. Ты мне говорила то же самое, когда мы тебе покупали набор для гольфа.
Elena: Ну не будь занудой. Это было сто лет назад.
Husband: Ну ладно, лишь бы тебе было хорошо.
Elena: Я тебе тоже купила подарок.
Husband: Спасибо. Что это? Носки?
ELENA: Dorogoy, posmotri chto ya sebe kupila. Teper ' ya tochno gotova
nachat ' moi trenirovki.
HUSBAND: Mda... nadeyus '. Ty mne govorila to zhe samoye, kogda my tebe
pokupali nabor dlya gol 'fa.
ELENA: Nu ne bud ' zanudoy. Eto bylo sto let nazad.
HUSBAND: Nu ladno, lish' by tebe bylo khorosho.
ELENA: Ya tebe tozhe kupila podarok.
HUSBAND: Spasibo. Chto eto? Noski?
ELENA: Dorogoy, posmotri chto ya sebe kupila. Teper ' ya tochno gotova
nachat ' moi trenirovki.
Elena: Honey, look what I bought. Now I'm definitely ready for my gym training.
HUSBAND: Mda... nadeyus '. Ty mne govorila to zhe samoye, kogda my tebe
pokupali nabor dlya gol 'fa.
Husband: Yeah... I hope so. You told me exactly the same thing when you were buying a set of golf clubs.
ELENA: Nu ne bud ' zanudoy. Eto bylo sto let nazad.
Elena: Oh, don't be such a bore. That was a hundred years ago.
HUSBAND: Nu ladno, lish' by tebe bylo khorosho.
Husband: Okay, whatever. It is all about you being happy.
ELENA: Ya tebe tozhe kupila podarok.
Elena: I bought you a present too.
HUSBAND: Spasibo. Chto eto? Noski?
Husband: Really? Thank you. What is it? Socks?!
Jo: How very generous of her to buy him socks!
Svetlana: Yeah, isn’t she nice? She also called her husband a bore!
Jo: Yeah, but I wouldn’t say he was being a bore, would you?
Svetlana: Well, I would say people who carry on too long after being asked “How are you?” are a bit of a bore.
Jo: Yes. Well, it is an interesting question. People rarely ask it to really find out how you are. They are just making conversation.
Svetlana: Exactly! And if you say “Terrible” or “My life sucks” you might never be asked again!
Jo: Or you might get called a bore.
Svetlana: Haha, yea... zanuda.
Jo: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first one we shall see it...
Svetlana: точно [natural native speed]
Jo: for sure, exactly
Svetlana: точно [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: точно [natural native speed]
Svetlana: тренировка [natural native speed]
Jo: training
Svetlana: тренировка [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: тренировка [natural native speed]
Svetlana: гольф [natural native speed]
Jo: golf
Svetlana: гольф [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: гольф [natural native speed]
Svetlana: зануда [natural native speed]
Jo: a bore, a drag
Svetlana: зануда [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: зануда [natural native speed]
Svetlana: подарок [natural native speed]
Jo: present, gift
Svetlana: подарок [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: подарок [natural native speed]
Svetlana: носки [natural native speed]
Jo: socks
Svetlana: носки [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: носки [natural native speed]
Svetlana: ну ладно [natural native speed]
Jo: Okay
Svetlana: ну ладно [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: ну ладно [natural native speed]
Svetlana: посмотреть [natural native speed]
Jo: to look, to take a look
Svetlana: посмотреть [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Svetlana: посмотреть [natural native speed]
Jo: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Svetlana: The first key phrase is не будь занудой.
Jo: “Don’t be a bore”. Let’s break it down.
Svetlana: НЕ is a negative particle which means “no,” or in our case “don’t”. Будь is a modified form of the verb Быть, which means “to be”, conjugated to the pronoun “You” singular. And finally the word зануда can be translated as “downer”, which refers to boring people or people who are a drag. You can also say just Зануда. It is the same as Hе будь занудой!
Jo: That phrase...
Svetlana: Не будь
Jo: “Don’t be” is frequently used in sentences with commands, blame or judgement. For example,
Svetlana: Не будь таким наивным.
Jo: “Don’t be so naive.”
Svetlana: Не будь слишком самоуверенным.
Jo: “Don’t be too confident.”
Svetlana: If you want to address people who are older than you, you need to add the ending -те to the verb Будь. So we have Не будьте! For example, Не будьте эгоистом.
Jo: “Don’t be selfish.” Okay what is the next word?
Svetlana: The next one is the adverb лишь
Jo: “Just”. It also can be translated as “only”, “merely” or “but” . For example,
Svetlana: Лишь кое-где на небе были видны звезды.
Jo: “You can only see stars in some places in the sky.”
Svetlana: Он ничего не делает, лишь спит.
Jo: “He doesn’t do anything but sleep.”
Okay. What is the last key phrase for this lesson?
Svetlana: Это было сто лет назад.
Jo: “It was a century ago”. Let’s break it down to understand the meaning of each word.
Svetlana: Это is a demonstrative pronoun which means “this”. Было is the verb Быть “to be” put into past tense. Сто is the number “one hundred”. Лет means “years”. And finally the adverb Назад means “ago”.
Jo: And it also means “behind” or “back”. For example...
Svetlana: Он обернулся назад на прощание.
Jo: “He turned back to say goodbye.” Okay, now it’s time to move on to the grammar.
Svetlana: In this lesson, we’re going to learn about the difference between the conjunction тоже and a pronoun with the particle то же.
Jo: Yes, it’s very confusing. They sound the same but are written differently.
Svetlana: I know. Sometimes even Russians make mistakes when writing them. Remember that тоже is a conjunction, and то же is a pronoun with a particle.
Jo: Okay let me get this straight. The conjunction is always written as one word and in English it would be translated as “and” and “also”?
Svetlana: Yes exactly. For example, Вы тоже слышали эту новость?
Jo: “And you? Have you heard about this news?”
Svetlana: This conjunction can be substituted with another conjunction, также . For example, Все были в платье, и она также надела красивое платье.
Jo: “Everybody was wearing a dress, so she also wore a dress.”
Svetlana: Interestingly, the word тоже has another meaning which is frequently used to express negative feelings or sarcasm towards somebody. For example, Тоже мне учитель нашелся!
Jo: “And you call yourself a teacher?!”
Okay, and the particle, which is written as two words, means what?
Svetlana: It consists of the demonstrative pronoun То, or “that”, and the particle же, which can be translated as “the same” or “similar”. For example, Каждый вечер я прихожу домой в одно и то же время.
Jo: “Every evening I come home at the same time.”
Svetlana: The phrase То же is used in some set expressions like то же самое and Одно и то же.
Jo: Both phrases can be translated as “exactly the same.” Let’s hear some example sentences.
Svetlana: Мне приходится повторять одно и тоже несколько раз.
Jo: “I have to repeat the same thing several times.”
Svetlana: Она мне сказала то же самое, что и он.
Jo: “She told me exactly the same thing that he did.”


Jo: Okay, that's it for this lesson. Don’t forget to check the lesson notes for more information and examples.
Svetlana: Pokapoka.

