
Vocabulary (Review)

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Hello and welcome to Russian Survival Phrases. This course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Russia. So join us for Russian Su
In this lesson we'll cover a phrase used to get you to your destination when riding a taxi. We'll look at the most basic way to express this, which is the word “to” followed by a destination. In today’s lesson we’ll use “the Red Square”, which in Russian is “Krasnaya Ploschat’ ”. Now, let`s hear it once again: Krasnaya Ploschat’. Let`s break it down by syllable: Kras-na-ya Plo-schat’ , Krasnaya Ploschat’.
This location is known for the buildings around it. So now let's go over what to say to the taxi driver to get there.
The word for “to” in Russian is “do” and, when you put the name of the location just after “do” sometimes it becomes “da’. So, for example, if you want to go to the Red Square, you should say: “Da Krasnay Ploschadi.” Let`s break it down by syllable: Da Kras-na-y Plo-scha-di, pazhalusta. Literally it would mean: “To the Red Square, please.”.
This is the most basic way of expressing where you would like to go. Well, actually just saying your desired destination should work, but speaking the local language is one of the most fun things you can do on your travels. So let’s go over another option!
You can also say, “I would like to go to…” and then put the name of your destination. So in Russian it would be: “Ya by khatel dаyekhat' do…”, for example, Red Square. All together it would be: “Ya by khatel dаyekhat' da Krasnay Ploshchadi, pazhalusta.”. Let`s break it down by syllable: Ya by kha-tel dа-ye-khat' da Kras-nay Plo-shcha-di, pa-zha-lus-ta. Now let`s hear it once again: Ya by khatel dаyekhat' da Krasnay Ploshchadi, pazhalusta.
Let's take a look at the components. The first three words are: “Ya by khatel”, which mean “I would like”. Let`s break down this phrase and hear it one more time: Ya by kha-tel, Ya by khatel.
Please, notice, that this is a masculine form of the phrase. The feminine form of the phrase would be “Ya by khatela”. Let`s break it down by syllable: Ya by kha-te-la. Ya by khatela.
This is followed by “dаyekhat' da Krasnay Ploshchadi, pazhalusta” which in English is “to go to the Red Square, please”. Let`s break it down by syllable: dа-ye-khat' da Kras-nay Plo-shcha-di, pa-zha-lus-ta. Dаyekhat' da Krasnay Ploshchadi, pazhalusta.
One more helpful phrase when taking a taxi is "Here is fine." This phrase will allow you to get out of the taxi whenever and wherever you want.
In Russian “Here is fine” is “Astanavite zdes’, pazhalusta”, which literally means “Pull over here, please”. Let`s break it down by syllable: As-ta-na-vi-te zdes’, pa-zha-lus-ta. Astanavite zdes’, pazhalusta.
The first word “astanavite” means “pull”. The second word “zdes’ ” means “here”. And “pazhalusta” means “please”. “Astanavite zdes’, pazhalusta”, “Pull over here, please” or ”Here is fine”.
Ok, to close out today`s lesson we'd like for you to practice what we`d just learnt. I will provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you are responsible for saying it aloud. You'll have a few seconds before I`ll give you an answer. Udachi! That means “good luck”! Ok, here we go!
To the Red Square, please.……..Da Krasnay Ploschadi, pazhalusta
I would like to go to…….Ya by khatel dаyekhat' do…
I would like to go to the Red Square, please…….Ya by khatel dаyekhat' da Krasnay Ploshchadi, pazhalusta.
“Pull over here, please” or “Here is fine”........Astanavite zdes’, pazhalusta
Alright, that's going to do for today. See you tomorrow, which in Russian is da zaftra!

