Vocabulary (Review)

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Zdrastvuite, Ya Svetlana! Welcome to Russianpod101.com’s Алфавит Made Easy!
The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn the Russian Cyrillic alphabet: the Алфавит!
You're almost there! Today we will learn two of the remaining six letters! Last time we learned two more Strangers, “Ы” and “Ю”. Do you remember how to read and write them? I hope you're ready to move on!
In this lesson we’ll learn two more “Strangers” and some more sentences for your notebook!
Our first Stranger is “Ё” and it probably looks familiar, just like our false friend “E”! “Ё” and “E” are closely related, and they are usually even written in the same way. For the printed version, the lower and uppercase versions are different just like “E” in English.
Here’s the uppercase.
Ё (print, upper)
And the lowercase.
Ё (print, lower)
The cursive version of uppercase Ё looks like this. It should look familiar. The only difference is the two dots on top. You might notice that in everyday writing, some Russians don't dot their “Ё”s, but we are going to learn it the correct way. Lowercase Ё looks the same as “E” but with dots. This letter shouldn’t be much of a challenge.
Now let’s write them.
Ё (cursive, upper)
And the lowercase.
Ё (cursive, lower)
The second letter we'll learn in this lesson may be the most difficult to write in the entire Russian alphabet: Ж. Luckily, the sound is quite easy. Ж makes a “zhe” sound much like in “treasure”. While it isn't very common in English, this sound is very frequently used in Russian. It looks quite distinctive, like a star, so it shouldn't be hard to remember. The lowercase version is just smaller!
Here’s how to write the printed versions.
Ж (print, upper)
And the lowercase.
Ж (print, lower)
"Ж” is probably easier to say than to write, and it looks slightly different than the printed version. It's written in three strokes, with a sharp up and down motion on the second stroke. The last stroke connects easily to the next letter.
The lowercase looks exactly the same except for size. It can be difficult to master this letter, but don't give up!
Ж (cursive, upper)
And the lowercase.
Ж (cursive, lower)
That's it for new letters! Now we'll focus on some new sentences!
First up is the title of a famous Soviet animated film.
[short pause] We read this as “Ёжик в Тумане.” “Ёжик” means “Hedgehog” and “в Тумане” means “in the fog”. This is the title of a classic Russian animated short that was based on an old folktale.
Ёжик в Тумане (cursive)
Let's learn one more sentence - this one introduces a verb that you'll use very often. Try saying the sentence out loud. [short pause]
We read this phrase as “Она живёт в Москве.”. As we already know, “Она” means “she.” “живёт” is a new word that means “lives,” and ”в Москве” means “in Moscow.” You may have noticed that “в” by itself is a very important preposition in Russian. It means both “to” and “in” in many situations.
Она живёт в Москве. (cursive)
That’s it for this lesson. In the next lesson, we'll introduce a few more Strangers. See you in the next Алфавит Made Easy lesson!
Пока Пока

