
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Erik: Erik here. Newbie series, season 1, lesson 8. Russian Meals That Make Dreams Come True. Welcome to the Newbie series at russianpod101.com where we study modern Russian in a fun, educational format.
Anna: So brush up on the Russian that you studied learning long ago or start learning today.
Erik:And thank you for joining us for this lesson here at russianpod101.com
Anna: In the previous three lessons, we have focused on ordering food and drinks.
Erik: The focus of this lesson is putting everything we’ve learned in lessons 5 through 7 to the test. In this lesson, we are going to give you the opportunity to place your order at a Russian café.
Anna: This conversation takes place at the small café.
Erik: The conversation is between a customer and a waitress.
Anna: The speakers do not know each other. So they will be speaking formal Russian.
Erik: So let’s listen to today’s conversation. I will be the customer.
Anna: I will be the waitress.
Эрик: [Что у вас есть сегодня?]
Erik: Chto u vas est’ segodnya?
Официант: [На пербое у нас уха, грибной суп и борщ. На второе у нас голубцы, шашлык из говядины и пельмени.]
Waitress: Na pervoe u nas uha, gribnoi sup, i borshch. Na vtoroe u nas golubtsy, shashalyk iz govyadiny i pel’meni.
Erik: One time slowly.
Anna: Ещё раз с переводом.
Эрик: [Что у вас есть сегодня?]
Erik: Chto u vas est’ segodnya?
Официант: [На пербое у нас уха, грибной суп и борщ. На второе у нас голубцы, шашлык из говядины и пельмени.]
Waitress: Na pervoe u nas uha, gribnoi sup, i borscht. Na vtoroe u nas golubtsy, shashalyk iz govyadiny i pel’meni.
Erik: One time natural native speed with the translation.
Anna: Ещё раз с переводом.
Anna: [Что у вас есть сегодня?]
Erik: What do you have today on the menu?
Anna: [На пербое у нас уха, грибной суп и борщ. На второе у нас голубцы, шашлык из говядины и пельмени]
Erik: For starters, we have Ukha or Russian Fish Soup, Mushroom soup and Borscht. For the main entrée, we have stuffed peppers, beef kebab or pelmeni.
Erik: Anna [что ты будешь?] or Anna, what will you have?
Anna: Are you waiter now?
Erik: Well I am curious what would you order?
Anna: Okay I would order umm….
Erik: In Russian.
Anna: Okay I am trying to choose.
Erik: I have got other tables here. Let’s go.
Anna: Okay probably I would order [уха] and maybe for the main entrée, umm [шашлык из говядины]
Erik: So Anna, how would you order [уха] and [шашлык из говядины] in Russian, what would you say?
Anna: I would say [я буду уху и шашлык из говядины]
Erik: Okay great. So Anna, I had a problem with [уха] this word.
Anna: What’s the problem?
Erik: The problem is, you could order ear instead of Fish soup right?
Anna: Oh that’s right.
Erik: The pronunciation, could you give us the pronunciation for ear in Russian?
Anna: Okay ear is ухо.
Erik: Uhan with the accent on the [ухо].
Anna: Oh the first syllable.
Erik: Right and what is Fish soup?
Anna: [уха]
Erik: [уха] Okay just so our listeners aren’t going to Russia and ordering ear with the first course. Okay great. Anna, was what we just listened to in the dialogue at the café a typical exchange? Is it common for a small café to change their menu daily or offer different dishes on different days?
Anna: Erik, I guess it all depends but actually I would say that the menu is quite fixed and doesn’t change much daily. And as for the dialogue we had Erik, it’s a very natural thing to hear.
Erik: To hear what you have today?
Anna: Uho…
Erik: Okay.
Anna: And then the answer.
Erik: Okay. And the answer for the first course we have, for the second course, that’s a pretty usual exchange.
Anna: It depends on the person right because for example, for me I wouldn’t ask [что у вас есть сегодня?]. I will just wait for waitress to ask me what I want to order you know.
Erik: Okay.
Anna: So it all depends.
Erik:Okay so what about drinks Anna. Would the waiter or waitress ask or could you just order what you want to drink straightaway?
Anna:Unless it’s something exotic or rare, you can order it even without looking at the menu. Say [вода] water, [кофе] coffee, [чай] tea and soft drinks like Cola, Coke or Fanta would probably be always available and same goes to Vodka.
Erik: Okay. Let’s say, they had run out of a particular dish or drink which happened to me sometimes when I went to a small café, what would the waiter or a waitress typically say?
Anna: Can you give me an example please.
Erik: Okay sure [Я буду грибной суп] , I will have the Mushroom soup.
Anna: They would say [извините, грибной суп сегодня кончился] Sorry we don’t have any more Mushroom soup today and then they would probably say [может борщ?]
Erik: Which means?
Anna: What about Borscht instead?
Erik: They are offering an alternative right?
Anna: Right.
Erik:Okay. Now let’s look at some of the vocabulary and phrases for this lesson. Our first word is...
Anna: [сегодня]
Erik: Today.
Anna: [сегодня]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [что у вас есть]
Erik: What do you have? Formal.
Anna: [что у вас есть]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [у нас есть]
Erik: We have
Anna:[у нас есть]
Anna:грибной суп
Erik: Mushroom soup.
Anna: [грибной суп]
Anna: [уха]
Erik: Russian Fish soup.
Anna: [уха]
Erik: Next.
Anna: борщ
Erik: Russian soup with cabbage and Beets.
Anna: [борщ]
Erik: Next.
Anna: голубцы
Erik: Cabbage or Bell peppers filled with meat and served hot.
Anna: [голубцы]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [шашлык из говядины]
Erik:Beef kebab.
Anna: [шашлык из говядины]
Erik: Next
Anna: [пельмени]
Erik: Russian style Ravioli filled with meat.
Erik: Oh my goodness Anna! We have so many new items today. What dish do you want to go over first?
Anna:Well original, [шашлык and борщ] are from Newbie lesson 5. So let’s talk about голубцы. Erik, I have a question for you.
Erik: Yes.
Anna: [Тебе нравятся голубцы] Do you like Golubtsy?
Erik: [Анна, мне очень нравятся голубцы]
F: I see.
Erik: Anna, I really like голубцы and actually I have a funny story about this Dish. It was one of my favorite dishes that my host mother made.
Anna:Oh really?
Erik: Bell pepper stuffed with meat. And so when my host mother asked me one day what I wanted for dinner, I said галоши.
Erik: Instead of голубцы because I didn’t know the correct pronunciation. Anna, can you tell the listeners why you are laughing at me?
Anna: Oh my gosh! My pleasure Erik. You requested that your host mother make you Galoshes or Rain Boots for dinner. It must have been hilarious.
Erik: Yes my host mom told the rest of the family of course and they called it Rain Boots from then on. Oh my!
Anna: Okay Erik. Our next word is [пельмени] or a kind of Russian meats alveoli.
Erik: That’s right. I remember eating a mountain of these when I went guesting at a Russian’s house in the winter time. They were made that day and the host just kept throwing them in the boiling water and encouraging me to [кушай] or eat which I gladly did.
Anna: Same story in my house you know. I know what you mean Erik. I love [пельмени] as well. It’s one of my favorite Russian dishes. Oh Erik, we didn’t talk about [уха]. It’s also one of my favorite Russian dishes. Do you like it?
Erik: Anna, actually I’ve never tried it. What’s in [уха]. Is there a actual fish in there or is it just a fish bouillon?
Anna: A lot of fish.
Erik: So like Fish heads or fish?
Anna:Everything like everything you have. The more Fish you have, the more delicious it is. When people go fishing, they usually cook [уха]. So right after they kiss the fish, they cook it.
Erik: Ah sounds lovely.
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: Now I have a reason to go back to Russia. Excellent.

Lesson focus

Anna: Erik, it’s your favorite time.
Erik: Grammar time.
Anna: Yes today we will be looking at the expressions [что у вас есть] and [у нас есть] which literally mean what do you have and we have respectively:
Erik:But in the context of this dialogue, what do they mean?
Anna: Well [что у вас есть сегодня] in the situation of a restaurant can mean, what do you have on the menu today but we don’t have to say menu because it’s understood and of course [сегодня] means today in English.
Erik: And what about [у нас есть]. Can you use this phrase to mean we have this and that on the menu in addition to meaning we have like we have a car?
Anna: That’s exactly right. If you want to say we have a car, you would say [у нас есть машина] or if you wanted to say, we have Borscht, you would say [у нас есть борщ] just like the waitress did in the dialogue.
Erik: Got you Anna. So just to recap, two important phrases to know are, what do you have on the menu today or [что у вас есть сегодня] and [у нас есть] or we have.
Anna: That’s right Erik.


Erik: Great Anna. That does it for today.
Anna: So if you have a question or some feedback, please leave us a comment.
Erik: It’s really easy to do. Just stop by russianpod101.com, click on the comments, enter your comment and name and that’s it. So listeners, please stop by and leave us your order for this lesson. We are curious to know what you’d like to eat.
Anna: And also if you cannot try this in cyrillic, just use romanized letters. It’s okay.
Erik: Just note, we don’t deliver.
Anna: Haha..
Erik: See you next time.
Anna: [Пока, пока!]
Эрик: Что у вас есть сегодня?
Erik: Chto u vas est’ segodnya?
Официант: На пербое у нас уха, грибной суп и борщ. На второе у нас голубцы, шашлык из говядины и пельмени.
Waitress: Na pervoe u nas uha, gribnoi sup, i borshch. Na vtoroe u nas golubtsy, shashalyk iz govyadiny i pel’meni.

