
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Erik: Erik here. Newbie series, season 1, Lesson 6. Russian Future Tense. When Will You Have That Ready For Me?
Anna: Hello everyone and welcome back to russianpod101.com
Erik: We provide you with cultural insights and tips you won’t find in a textbook.
Anna: In the previous lesson, we talked about what we like to eat.
Erik: The focus of this lesson is how to order at a restaurant. The conversation is between myself and Anna.
Anna: This conversation takes place at a restaurant. We are friends. So we will be speaking informal Russian.
Erik: So we are going to give you two different conversations. One is going to be a little bit more complicated and the next one is going to be a little simpler. Okay let’s have the first conversation. I will play myself and Anna will play herself. Here we go.
Erik: [На первое мы будем оливье и на второе шашлык из курицы.]
(Ерик: Na pervoye my budem oliv'ye i na vtoroye shashlyk iz kuritsy.)
Anna: [Подожди Ерик, давай закажем мороженое на дисерт?]
(Анна: Podozhdi Erik, davai zakazhem morozhenoe na disert?)
Erik: [Хорошая идея, Анна.]
(Ерик: Horoishaya ideya, Anna.)
Erik: One time slowly.
Anna: Еще раз медленнее.
Erik: [На первое мы будем оливье и на второе шашлык из курицы.]
(Ерик: Na pervoe my budem oliv’e i na vtoroe shashlyk iz kuritsy.)
Anna: [Подожди Ерик, давай закажем мороженое на дисерт?]
(Анна: Podozhdi Erik, davai zakazhem morozhenoe na disert?)
Erik: [Хорошая идея, Анна.]
(Ерик: Horoishaya ideya, Anna.)
Erik: One time natural native speed with the translation.
Anna: [Еще раз с переводом.]
Anna: [На первое мы будем оливье и на второе шашлык из курицы.]
Erik: For the first course, we will have Russian potato salad and for the second course, chicken kebab.
Anna: [Подожди Ерик, давай закажем мороженое на дисерт?]
Erik: Wait Erik, let’s order ice-cream for dessert.
Anna: [Хорошая идея, Анна.]
Erik: Good idea Anna. Okay now it’s time for the second conversation.
Erik: [Мы будем оливье и шашлык из куруцы.]
(Ерик: My budem oliv’e i shaslyk iz kuritsy.)
Anna: [Ерик, давай еще мороженое.]
(Анна: Erik, davai eshchyo morozhenoe.)
Erik: One time slowly. [Мы будем оливье и шашлык из куруцы.]
(Ерик: My budem oliv’e i shaslyk iz kuritsy.)
Anna: [Ерик, давай еще мороженое.]
(Анна: Erik, davai eshchyo morozhenoe.)
Erik: One time natural native speed with the translation.
Anna: [Еще раз с переводом.]
Anna: [Мы будем оливье и шашлык из куруцы.]
Erik: We will have Russian Potato salad and chicken kebab.
Anna: [Ерик, давай еще мороженое.]
Erik:Erik, let’s also get some ice cream.
Anna: Erik, so why do we have two dialogues?
Erik: Anna, I wanted to show the listeners that you only really need one verb to order in Russian [я буду] or I will have. Literally it means I will.
Anna: That’s a great point Erik.
Erik: So after we say [я буду] or I will have, all we have to do is say what we want to order. For example, [мороженое] what’s [мороженое]
Anna:[мороженое] is an ice cream.
Erik: Umm my favorite. So it would be [я буду мороженое] or I will have the ice cream right?
Anna: Right.
Erik: Okay. You don’t really need to say all the other stuff. See it’s really simple.
Anna: Yes now you just have to figure out what you want to eat.
Erik: All right Anna. What other suggestions do you have for our listeners to try when they go to a Russian restaurant?
Anna: Oh that’s really difficult question for me but [борщ] for sure [блины] [пирожки]
Erik: So Anna, can you describe [борщ] for our listeners. It’s a really popular soup in Russia right?
Anna: Yes. This is very traditional Russian soup. It has a lot of vegetables and beetroots.
Erik: So for example, cabbage and sometimes they put a dollop of sour cream on the top right?
Anna: Right.
Erik: It’s very good and [пирожки] what are those?
Anna: [пирожки] are like little baked dumplings.
Erik: They are very good. Aren’t they?
Anna: Yeah they are.
Erik: Umm okay and don’t forget [пельмени] or the little boiled dumplings with meat inside. Usually served with cream.
Anna:Oh Erik, let’s move on to the vocabulary part. I feel very hungry now [Я голодна]
Erik: I am hungry too. Okay let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. Our first phrase is
Anna: [на первое]
Erik: For the first course.
Anna: [на первое]
Anna:[на второе]
Erik: For the second course.
Anna: [на второе]
Erik: Next.
Anna:[на дисерт]
Erik: For dessert.
Anna: [на дисерт]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [заказывать]
Erik: To order.
Anna: [заказывать]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [подожди]
Erik: Wait, command form.
Anna: [подожди]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [мороженое]
Erik: Ice cream.
Anna: [мороженое]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [идея]
Erik: Idea.
Anna: [идея]
Erik: Next
Anna: [ещё]
Erik: Yet, still, else, also. In this context, it means also.
Anna: [ещё]
Erik: Next
Anna: [приятного аппетита]
Erik: Bon appétit, enjoy your meal.
Anna: [приятного аппетита]
Erik: Okay let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Anna: The first phrase we will look at is
Erik: [подожди] Anna, I remember hearing this word quite a bit when I was in Russia but is it rude to say this to your friend?
Anna: No Erik, I don’t see any problem.
Erik: So [подожди] means wait right?
Anna: Wait right. You can use this word every time you want someone to wait for you. It can be translated as wait or hold on depending on the context.
Erik: For example, if I didn’t catch something, say the meaning of a word, can I say [подожди, Анна]
Anna: Right.
Erik: Okay.
Anna:Also Erik, I can use [подожди] in case if I want to ask you to wait for me [подожди меня, Эрик] which literally means wait for me Erik.
Erik: Okay how about our next word [закажем] or literally we order. Is this a common word to hear at a restaurant Anna?
Anna: Yep the waitress will usually ask you [что будете заказывать?] or what will you order?
Erik: Umm okay but I noticed that the person me did not say I will order this because in English, we don’t say I will order.
Anna: We don’t say this in Russia as well.
Erik: The Spaghetti right. So it’s to talk about what we have what we order and then we just use [я буду]
Anna: Right.
Erik: Okay great. So what about [на первое, на второе, на дисерт] What do these refer to Anna?
Anna:[на первое] and [на второе] are the shortened versions of [на первое блюдо] and [на второе блюдо]
Erik: Anna, what’s [блюдо]
Anna: Oh okay, I should explain this. [блюдо] is dish or course.
Erik: Okay so instead of saying [на первое блюдо], the first course, they shortened it.
Anna:Yes and we just say [на первое] or [на второе]
Erik: So like starters would be [на первое]
Anna: Right.
Erik: And main course or main entree would be [на второе]
Anna:Right exactly.
Erik: Okay and the last one [на дисерт] that one is the easiest to remember.
Anna: True.
M: It sounds like the English dessert.
Anna: Right.
Erik: Hey Anna, could you give us some other examples please.
Anna: Sure. Can you help me? Please be a waiter for a moment and ask me, what do I want to order?
Erik:So what you are saying is Anna, you want me to wait on you.
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: Oho all right. Just because of the lesson Anna.
Anna: Okay Erik.
Erik: All right [Здравствуйте! Что будете заказывать?]
(Zdravsrvyite! Chto vy budete zakazyvat’?)
Anna:[На первое борщ, а на второе блины с сметаной, пожалуйста.]
(Na pervoe borshch, a na vtoroe bliny so smetanoi, pozhaluista. )
Erik: Okay let’s go over what you just said Anna. Maybe you could break it down for us. You say your lines in Russian and I will say them in English.
Anna:Okay [На первое борщ]
Erik: For the first course, I will have [борщ]
Anna:[а на второе]
Erik: And for the second
Anna:[блины с сметаной, пожалуйста.]
Erik:Russian crepes with sour cream. Anna, let’s break down what the waiter said.
Anna: Okay so you said [здравствыйте]
Erik:Hello, formal.
Anna: [Что будете заказывать?]
M: One more time slowly.
Erik: What.
Anna: [будете]
Erik: Will you
Anna: [заказывать]
Erik: Order. Okay Anna, great job. We also use the word [ещё] in our dialogue which in this context means more or also. When else can you use this word? It’s an important word eh!
Anna: Yes Erik. For example, you can say [я хочу ещё] or I want more. If you really like something that you have just eaten and want to have some more. By the way, if you visit your Russian friends for a dinner or lunch at their places, use this phrase [я хочу ещё]. They will be really pleased to hear this as it would mean that you liked what they cooked for you.
Erik: That’s right Anna. I remember my Russian host families always watching what I ate and if I stopped for two seconds, they would say [кушай] eat.
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: [кушай] Why are you stopping? I am just trying to breathe. So they love it when you eat.
Anna:Yeah that’s true.
Erik: It’s a big compliment and if you say, [я хочу ещё] that is the biggest compliment of all right?
Anna: Yes that’s true.

Lesson focus

Erik: Okay great nice. Now let’s move on to the grammar. So Anna, what are we going to talk about today?
Anna: Let’s talk about the verb [быть] which has different forms depending on the tense and the subject if refers to.
Erik: This is a very important and often used verb. So Anna, can you tell us how and when to use it?
Anna: Sure. This verb is not used in the present tense. You would use it only talking about future or past.
Erik: So we use this verb in the future tense when we said [мы будем] or we will have. Anna, let’s conjugate this verb for our listeners.
Anna:Okay [я буду]
Erik:I will or I will have.
Anna: [ты будешь]
Erik: You will.
Anna: [он/она будет]
Erik: He, she, will.
Anna: [мы будем]
Erik: We will.
Anna: [вы будете]
Erik:You will.
Anna:[они будут]
Erik: They will. I hope everyone is still with us. It sounds a little complicated but I think if you use [я буду] when you order, you will find that it’s very simple.
Anna: You are right Erik. Dear listeners, don’t worry, be happy.


Erik: All right Anna, well done. Just to know, we will be covering this verb in the beginner series in more detail. All right, Anna thank you very much. I think that does it for today. So please stop by russianpod101.com and pick up the PDF file and….
Anna: Leave us a comment.
Erik: All right. See you later.
Anna: [Пока, пока!]

