
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Erik: Erik here. Newbie series, Season 1, Lesson 3. Was he trying to tell you he was hungry in Russian? Hello and welcome to russianpod101.com, a fun and effective way to learn Russian. My name is Erik Fritz and I am joined by
Anna: Anna Lemeshkina
Erik: And we will be your hosts for this Russian newbie series.
Anna: In this series, we will cover the basics of the Russian language including essential phrases, pronunciation and cultural insight.
Erik:So brush up on the Russian that you started learning long ago or start learning today. All right, Anna. What do we have planned for lesson 3?
Anna: Today we have another great lesson. We are going to talk about a few common verbs in Russian to want and to eat and some other very common phrases you will be sure to use when you are in Russia.
Erik: Okay this conversation takes place right after class as two university classmates are leaving the classroom. Today’s politeness level will be informal and what will the lesson focus on?
Anna: Two important verbs, to eat and to want and some essential phrases.
Erik: I will play myself and Anna will play herself. Okay here we go.
Анна: [Всё хорошо Эрик?]
Anna: (Vsyo horosho Erik?)
Эрик: [Так, не очень, я кушать хочу.]
Erik: (Tak, ne ochen’, ya kushat’ hoshu.)
Анна: [Я тоже.]
Anna: (Ya tozhe)
Эрик:[Давай покушаем вместе, ты не хочешь?]
Erik: (Davai pokushaem vmeste, ty ne hochesh’?)
Анна: [Конечно хочу.]
Anna: (Konechno hochu.)
Эрик: [Здорово!]
Erik: (Zdorovo!)
Erik: Once more slowly please.
Анна: [Всё хорошо Эрик?]
Anna: (Vsyo horosho Erik?)
Эрик: [Таак...Не очень, я кушать хочу.]
Erik: (Tak, ne ochen’, ya kushat’ hoshu.)
Анна: [Я тоже.]
Anna: (Ya tozhe)
Эрик: [Давай покушаем вместе, ты не хочешь?]
Erik: (Davai pokushaem vmeste, ty ne hochesh’?)
Анна: [Конечно хочу.]
Anna: (Konechno hochu.)
Эрик: [Здорово!]
Erik: (Zdorovo!)
Erik: Once more, this time with the English translation.
Anna: Теперь еще раз, с английским переводом.
Anna: [Всё хорошо Эрик?] (Vsyo horosho Erik?)
Erik: Everything okay, Erik?
Anna: [Так, не очень, я кушать хочу.] (Taк, нe ochen’, ya kushat; hoshu.)
Erik: Hmm not really. I want to eat.
Anna: [Я тоже.] (Ya tozhe)
Erik: Me too.
Anna: [Давай покушаем вместе, ты не хочешь?] (Davai pokushaem vmeste, ty ne hochesh’?)
Erik: Let’s eat together. Don’t you want to?
Anna: [Конечно хочу.] (Konechno hochu.)
Erik: Of course I do.
Anna: [Здорово!] (Zdorovo!)
Erik: Wonderful. Okay Anna, what do you think of this conversation? Don’t you think it’s rude to say I want to eat instead of I am hungry. What gives here?
Anna: Well by saying [Я хочу кушать.], you give the situation more casual meaning although the phrase [Я голоден.] for male and [Я голодна.] for female which literally mean I am hungry. This phrase is used in formal situations. So you can use both ways of expressing your hunger with friends.
Erik: So instead of saying [Я кушать хочу.], I could have said [Я голоден.] right?
F: Yeah and if I want to say that I am hungry, I would say [Я голодна.]
Erik: So why don’t we repeat the same dialogue and instead of saying [Я кушать хочу.] I will say [Я голоден.]
Anna: Sure. Let’s do it.
Anna: [Всё хорошо Эрик?] (Vsyo horosho Erik?)
Erik: [Так, не очень, я голоден.] (Taк, нe ochen’, ya goloden)
F: [Я тоже.] (Ya tozhe)
Erik: [Давай покушаем вместе, ты не хочешь?] (Davai pokushaem vmeste, ty ne hochesh’?)
Anna: [Конечно хочу.] (Konechno hochu.)
Erik: [Здорово!] (Zdorovo!) What is the exact translation of [Я кушать хочу]
Anna: I to eat I want.

Lesson focus

Erik: Ah why is this word order all mixed up?
Anna: Well in Russian, word order is not set in stone like English. You can also say [Я хочу кушать] but maybe by putting the verb to eat [кушать] in front of the verb I want [хочу] or [Я кушать хочу]. You are emphasizing the action of eating instead of merely wanting to eat. Is that clear?
Erik: Yeah it’s starting to make a bit more sense Anna. So if you are thirsty, what would you say?
Anna: [Я пить хочу.]
Erik: Aaha! So we are back at the bar where we met in lesson 1 eh!
Anna: Not really. By saying [Я хочу пить] you imply that you are just thirsty and you are not going to the bar to drink water. Are you?
Erik: Well me? Umm…
Anna: Okay I understand that after several years in the Russian community, you started to think that for Russians, Vodka or any Alcohol is like water but if you want to say that you feel like drinking something strong, you’d better say [Я хочу выпить.]
Erik: For example, let’s imagine that I met you in the evening and you noticed that I am a little sad and if after explaining my sad story, I would say [Я хочу выпить.] would it be okay?
Anna: It’s exactly what I’d expect to hear from you Erik and after that, we are back to the bar of the first lesson.
Erik: Okay. Now, we will take a look at the vocabulary and phrases for this lesson. First word.
Anna: [конечно]
Erik: Of course.
Anna: [конечно]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [здорово]
Erik: Wonderful.
Anna: [здотово]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [я]
Erik: I.
Anna: [я]
Anna: [ты]
Erik: You.
Anna: [ты]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [кушать]
Erik: To eat.
Anna: [кушать]
Anna: [пить]
Erik:To drink.
F: [пить]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [хотеть]
Erik: To want.
Anna: [хотеть]
Erik: Next
Anna: [тоже]
Erik: Also
Anna: [тоже]
Anna: [вместе]
Erik: Together.
Anna: [вместе]
Erik: Next
Anna: [давай]
Erik: Let’s
Anna: [давай]
Erik: Okay. Let’s have a look at the usage for some of the words and phrases in this lesson. We mentioned earlier the word [давай]. How often do you normally hear this word in everyday conversation Anna?
Anna: Oh Erik, very often. You’d probably hear it every time a person suggests you to do something together. For example, [Давай погуляем.] means let’s have a walk.
Erik: And after a walk, can I say [Давай выпьем.] or let’s have a drink, right?
Anna: Right.
Erik: Okay. What about the word [здорово]. Is this a pretty common expression as well?
Anna: Yes. It’s a nice way of saying that you like – or like something. In our conversation for example, by saying [здорово] after I agreed to join you, you meant that you were very glad to hear that.
Erik: Okay here goes my next question. I noticed that sometimes Russian people greet each other by saying [здорово]. Is that the same word?
Anna: No it’s a shortened version of the word [здравствуйте] which we have already introduced in our previous class [здорово]. It’s somewhat a slang word and is mainly used by teenagers or when someone wants to greet another person in a fun and cool way.
Erik: So Anna, if we were on a construction site and you saw me coming over in my big masculine body sweating, how would you greet me?
Anna: Oh let me think. Probably I would say [Здорово, Эрик!]
Erik: But isn’t this kind of more used with guys – between guys?
Anna: Yeah, yeah this word is used between guys actually.
Erik: And women like you Anna on the construction side.
Anna: Okay. Yeah and – but they like me.
Erik: Okay all right. Now let’s focus our attention on the verb [хотеть]. Since this is a frequently used verb and the conjugation is a bit difficult, why don’t we partially conjugate this verb together.
Anna: [Давай]
Erik: Okay. Here we go. I want [хочу] you want [хочешь]. This time, I will say it in English and Anna will say it in Russian. I want
Anna: [я хочу]
Erik: You want
Anna: [ты хочешь]
Erik: So [ты] is informal right?
Anna: Yeah that’s correct.
Erik: What about the formal version?
Anna: For formal it’s [вы хотите]
Erik: [вы хотите]
Anna: [вы хотите] Correct.
Erik: [вы хотите кушать?]
Anna: [Да, я хочу кушать.]
Anna: [Давайте покушаем вместе?]
Erik:Ah [Нука давай.]
Anna: [Отлично Эрик!]
Erik: Okay. [спасибо] So why don’t we translate what we just said.
Anna: Okay.
Erik: Okay. [вы хотите кушать?]
Anna: Do you want to eat?
Erik: [Да, хочу.]
Anna: Yes I do.
Erik: [Давай покушаем вместе?]
Anna: Let’s eat together.
Erik: [Нука давай.]
Anna: Ah let’s do that.
Erik: [Отлично!]
Anna: Great.
Erik:See I noticed something else. There was something added to the verbs. What is the [по] in [покушаем] and the [вы] in [выпить]
Anna: Erik, too many questions. We can’t teach the whole Russian language nuance. We will have to leave that discussion for another day, okay?
Erik: Ah you are always right Anna. I get too excited.
Anna: [Конечно!]


Erik: All right. I think that will do it for this lesson. Be sure to pick up the PDF at russianpod101.com. Also if you have any questions, feel free to use our forum or comment on today’s lesson. See you again tomorrow.
Anna: [Пока, пока!]

