
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Anna: [Привет Будапешт! Меня зовут Анна.]
Erik: Erik here. Newbie series, season 1, lesson 14. It’s Time to Go Home.
Anna: Hello everyone. I am Anna and welcome to russianpod101.com
Erik: With us, you will learn to speak Russian with fun and effective lessons.
Anna: We also provide you with cultural insights
Erik:And tips you won’t find in a textbook. In this lesson, you learn how to say that you need to leave.
Anna: This conversation takes place in a nightclub.
Erik: And the conversation is between you and I Anna.
Anna: Right and because we are friends, let’s just speak informally.
Erik: Sounds good. Okay here we go.
Эрик: [Здесь классно!]
(Erik: Zdes’ klassno!)
Анна: [Да, здесь неплохо.]
(Anna: Da, zdes’ neploho.)
Эрик: [Потанцуем?]
(Erik: Porantsuem?)
Анна: [Уже поздно, мне пора домой.]
(Anna: Uzhe pozdno, mne pora domoi.)
Erik: One time slowly.
Anna: [Ещё раз, медленнее.]
Эрик: [Здесь классно!]
(Erik: Zdes’ klassno!)
Анна: [Да, здесь неплохо.]
(Anna: Da, zdes’ neploho.)
Эрик: [Потанцуем?]
(Erik: Porantsuem?)
Анна: [Уже поздно, мне пора домой.]
(Anna: Uzhe pozdno, mne pora domoi.)
Erik: One time natural native speed with the translation.
Anna: Ещё раз с переводом.
Anna: [Здесь классно!]
Erik: It’s cool here. This place is cool.
Anna: [Да, здесь неплохо.]
Erik: Yeah not bad.
Anna: [Потанцуем?]
Erik: Shall we dance?
Anna: [Уже поздно, мне пора домой.]
Erik: It’s late already. Time to go home.
Erik: So Anna, do you like clubbing?
Anna: I don’t really like clubbing but I love dancing.
Erik: So how come you wouldn’t dance with me [?]
Anna: Well I was trying to say that I was tired and I want to go home.
Erik: Okay.
Anna: What about you Erik? Do you like dancing?
Erik: I do. So Anna, how do you say nightclub in Russian?
Anna: We say [ночной клуб] or just [клуб]
Erik: [клуб] I remember at Russian high schools, they have what’s called [дискотека]
Anna: Right.
Erik: Disco tech
Anna: Right.
Erik: So this is different obviously than club.
Anna:Well it is different because they set up the music in the school itself. So you can just dance and hang out.
Erik: Anna, do you find mostly Russian electronic music or what kind of music do you find in a nightclub usually?
Anna: Yeah I think it depends on the nightclub and then, it’s just a mix of everything. It’s foreign music and Russian music and some remix or just anything you can dance to.
Erik:Okay Anna. Let’s take a look at the vocabulary and phrases for this lesson. Our first word is
Anna: [классно]
Erik: Cool, slang.
Anna: [классно]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [здесь]
Erik: Here.
Anna: [здесь]
Erik: Next
Anna: [уже]
Erik: Already, yet.
Erik: Next
Anna: [неплохо]
Erik: Not bad.
Anna: [неплохо]
Erik: Next.
Erik: To dance.
Anna: [танцевать]
Erik: Next
Anna: [потанцуем]
Erik: Shall we dance.
Anna: [потанцуем]
Erik: Next
Erik: Late
Anna: [поздно]
Erik: Next
Anna:[мне пора домой]
Erik: I have to leave for home. It’s time to go home.
Anna: [мне пора домой]
Erik: Okay let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Anna: The first phrase we will look at is [классно]. Erik, have you heard this word when you lived in Russia?
Erik: Of course. I heard this word quite a bit actually and used to it. [классно] Also I heard [круто]
Anna: [круто]
Erik: From the series [фабрика звёзд]. It’s kind of like American Idol or Britain’s Got Talent.
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: The theme song was [круто ты попал на TV]
Anna: Yeah. That’s so cool we are on TV now.
Erik: So I liked [круто] or [классно] either one.
Anna: Okay I think [круто] is more slangish version of [классно]
Erik: Yeah I think so. I was trying to be cool but maybe not so cool yet. So as you said, you wouldn’t use this with your boss at work.
Anna: Right or someone you just don’t know.
Erik: This is with friends or family.
Anna: You can definitely use this word with your friends but for family, it just depends. Maybe in some traditional families, you wouldn’t use this word but other than that, it’s fine I think.
Erik: Okay another word we had in our dialogue is
Anna: [неплохо]
Erik: When would you use this word Anna?
Anna: Well if I am not really excited about something or I think it’s just so so, I would say [неплохо]. However it all depends on the intonation. For example, if I didn’t expect you Erik to be a good singer and I liked your singing when I heard it for the first time, I would say huh [неплохо]
Erik: Ah not bad right?
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: But you probably wouldn’t say that in that intonation [неплохо]
Anna: Well see it depends. If I really like this, I can say [неплохо]. If I say [неплохо] it means so, so.
Erik: Umm same in English.
Anna: Okay.
Erik: Now let’s talk about the phrase [мне пора домой]. I remember my host brother always used this but he has had a shortened version [мне пора]
Anna: Right [мне пора] I need to leave.
Erik: So let’s break this down Anna.
Anna: [мне]
Erik: Literally to me
Anna: [пора]
Erik: Time.
Anna: [домой]
Erik: To home. So we could roughly translate that as it’s time to go home.
Anna: Exactly or you can just use the phrase [мне пора] and then put any place you need to leave for.
Erik: So you would use this phrase when you need to leave somewhere but is this polite? This sounds pretty direct. What could you say a little bit nicer of a phrase to maybe not offend your host or your friends?
Anna: Well you can say [спасибо, было очень весело, но мне пора.]
Erik: Ah okay. So you are softening it. You can still say [мне пора]
Anna: [мне пора] Yeah you definitely use it.
Erik: All of that stuff... let’s translate that.
Anna: Yeah [спасибо]
Erik: Thanks.
Anna: [было очень весело]
Erik: It was very fun.
Anna: [но мне пора]
Erik: But I have to go.
Anna:Or I can say [спасибо, но мне правда пора.]
Erik: Thanks but I really – truthfully really have to go.
Anna: Yeah right. So if you say this with this intonation, I think your host would not be offended.
Erik: So basically if you say thank you and then you say, I’ve got to go…
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: It’s a lot nicer.
Anna: Yeah.
Erik: Okay good to know. Thanks Anna.
Anna: Thanks Erik.
Erik: Okay let’s look at the grammar for this lesson.

Lesson focus

Anna:Okay in our dialogue, we had several adverbs such as [неплохо, классно, поздно]
Erik: They are used to describe your feelings, emotions or attitude towards something.
Anna: In Russian, adverbs always end in [о] and they never change.
ERIK: And the best news is, if you know some Russian adverbs, you can make sentences very easily.
Anna: You are right Erik. Russian adverbs can be used to make simple sentences and you don’t need more than one adverb for that.
Erik: [Отлично, Анна.]
Anna: Oh спасибо Erik, you just made an example for our listeners.
Erik: So [отлично] is an adverb right?
Anna: Yes and I am sure you can make songs of them.
Erik: Let’s run through some common adverbs in Russian.
Anna: Okay because it’s Russian because it’s very cold, I can say [холодно]
Erik: [холодно] Cold
Anna: Or when in summer, it becomes suddenly very hot, I can say [жарко]
Erik: [жарко] Hot.
Anna: Yes and then [отличню]
Erik: [отлично] Great, excellent.
Anna: Right [приятно]
Erik: [приятно] is nice, pleasant.
Anna: For example [очень приятно]
Erik: Nice to meet you.
Anna: Nice to meet you. Another important example could be [плохо]
ERIK: [плохо] Bad
Anna: Yeah for example if you see me in the bad mood and you are asking me how I am doing, I can say [плохо] Erik.
Erik: [плохо] So with these adverbs, you can express a lot and you don’t need to make a complete sentence. You can just say one word.
Anna: And that’s really, really useful.
Erik: So Anna, to wrap up this point, in our dialogue, we had [здесь классно]
Anna: Yes.
Erik: So we had here, cool.
Anna: So you can also use some prepositions with adverbs such as [здесь] to be more specific if you want.
Erik: Okay [спасибо, Анна.]
Anna: [Пожалуйста, Эрик.]


Erik:Okay I think that just about does it for today.
Anna: Stop by and leave us a comment.
Erik: See you next time.
Anna: [Пока, пока!]

