
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Erik: Erik here. Newbie series, season 1, lesson 10. I am sorry. I thought you asked what sports I play in Russia.
Anna: Hello everyone and welcome back to russianpod101.com
Erik: With us, you will learn to speak Russian like a native.
Anna: We also provide you with cultural insights and tips you won’t find in a textbook. Thank you for joining us for this newbie series at russianpod101.com.
Erik: The focus of this lesson is talking about sports.
Anna:And this conversation takes place in the park.
Erik: The speakers are friends. So they will be speaking informally. So let’s listen to today’s conversation. So Anna and I will both be playing ourselves. Okay here we go.
Анна: Эрик, ты занимаешься спортом?
Anna: Erik, ty zanimaesh’sya sportom?
Эрик: Да, я играю в теннис. А ты Анна?
Erik: Da, ya igrayu v tenis. A ty Anna?
Анна: Я в шахматы играю.
Anna: Ya v shaxmaty igrayu.
Erik: : One time slowly.
Anna: Ещё раз, медленней.
Анна: Эрик, ты занимаешься спортом?
Anna: Erik, ty zanimaesh’sya sportom?
Эрик: Да, я играю в теннис. А ты Анна?
Erik: Da, ya igrayu v tenis. A ty Anna?
Анна: Я в шахматы играю.
Anna: Ya v shaxmaty igrayu.
Erik: One time natural native speed with the translation.
Anna: Ещё раз с переводом.
Anna: Эрик, ты занимаешься спортом?
Erik: Erik, do you play sports?
Anna:Да, я играю в теннис. А ты Анна?
Erik: Yes I play Tennis. How about you Anna?
Anna: Я в шахматы играю.
Erik: I play chess.
Erik: So Anna, I noticed here that you said, you play a sport called chess.
Anna: Yes this is a very good sport.
Erik: Sport?
Anna: Yes.
Erik: Okay. So in America, we call chess a game usually but Russians take their Chess seriously nah?
Anna: Yes because we have a lot of champions you know.
Erik:Ah I see. So I remember getting in not an argument but I was just puzzled when my host brother said, ah I like to play other sports like chess and I went, excuse me! Sport. So then he said yes. In Russian, it’s a sport. Oh okay. So that’s something to note for our listeners.
Anna: Yeah but actually Russians joke about this themselves. So don’t worry too much about that.
Erik: Do they?
Anna: Yes.
Erik: I didn’t know that.
Anna: Of course.
Erik: That’s interesting. Anna, ты играешь в шахмоты?
Anna: I used to play chess in my school but I forgot how to do this Erik so don’t try to play with me.
Erik: Okay. So Anna, can you tell me some popular sports in Russia?
Anna: I think Russians like to play team sports like футбол or soccer or хоккей or ice hockey.
Erik: Okay great but none as physically demanding as the sport of Chess right Anna?
Anna: It’s mentally demanding Erik.
Erik: All right. Well let’s go into our mentally demanding vocabulary.
Anna: Okay.
Erik: Okay let’s take a look at today’s vocabulary. Our first word is
Anna: [заниматься]
M: To do something or be occupied with something.
Anna: [заниматься]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [ты занимаешься спортом?]
Erik: Do you play sports?
Anna: [ты занимаешься спортом?]
ERIK: Next.
Anna: [играть]
Erik: To play.
Anna: [играть]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [теннис]
Anna: [теннис]
Erik: Next.
Anna: [шахмоты]
Anna: [шахмоты]
Erik: Ok, let’s take a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Anna: And the first phrase is [ты занимаешься спортом?].
Erik:Or “Do you play sports?” Is this a common way of asking someone if they play sports, Anna?
Anna: Yes, this is a very common way to ask a person.
Erik: So Anna, if you wanted to ask a question about a specific sport, like, do you play tennis, how would you say that?
Anna: I would say ты играешь в теннис?
Erik: So you need another verb?
Anna: Right.
Erik: We had this verb in our dialogue, [играть].
Anna: Yes.
Erik: Or “to play”. So, to recap, in general if you want to ask somebody if they play sports, you use the verb [заниматься]. Can we have the phrase one more time?
Anna: [ты занимаешься спортом?]
Erik:Ok. And then if you want to ask about a particular sport, say tennis or chess, how would you ask?
Anna: You would need another verb, [играть]. [ты играешь в теннис] or “Do you play tennis?”
Erik:Ok, great. So Anna, we talked about chess being a sport and not a game but if you wanted to ask someone if they play a game…
Anna: For example Tetris.
Erik: Exactly, Tetris. How would you ask? Is there another verb for games?
Anna: No, the verb [играть] goes both for games and for sports.
Erik: Ok, so how would you ask someone if they play Tetris?
Anna: [ты играешь в тетрис?]
Erik: Anna, didn’t a Russian person invent the game of Tetris?
Anna: Yes, that’s right.
Erik: Oh wow. Maybe we can ask this to our listeners again, their research skills, but I think he did not become rich at first because of some Russian rule, but then he later became right.
Anna: Right. I think…
Erik: I'm not sure. So maybe our listeners can look this up online. I'm not sure about this.
Anna: That would be a great idea, Eric.

Lesson focus

Erik: Ok, great. So let’s look at the grammar for this lesson. I noticed, when I first started speaking Russian, I said [Я играю теннис]. Literally, “I play tennis”.
Anna: Yes, you just translated directly from English.
Erik: Exactly. But there’s something that I was missing. What was I missing, Anna?
Anna: You were missing preposition [в].
Erik: [в]
Anna: So you need to say [Я играю в теннис]. The phrase [Я играю] is used to say you do some sports, for example tennis, and you need preposition after this, preposition [в], and then the name of the sports.
Erik: So how would you say “I play basketball”?
Anna: [Я играю в баскетбол]
Erik: Anna, is it the same for instruments? Do you need the preposition [в]?
Anna: Oh no, for instruments it’s a little bit different. For example, if I want to say that I play guitar I would say [Я играю на гитаре].
Erik: [на гитаре]
Anna: Yes.
Erik: Ah ok. How about the piano?
Anna: [Я играю на пианино].
Erik: Ok, great. So, just to recap, Anna, with instruments we use the preposition [на ]…
Anna: Right.
Erik: And with sports we use the preposition [в].
Anna: Right.


Erik: Ok, great. Anna, [спасибо большое]. Thanks a lot.
Anna: [Пожалуйста, Эрик!] Don’t mention that.
Erik: So if you have any questions about today’s lesson, please stop by, leave us a comment and we’ll be sure to answer.
Anna: And don’t forget to check out the PDF file to this lesson.
Erik: See you later.
Anna: Пока, пока!
Анна: Эрик, ты занимаешься спортом?
Anna: Erik, ty zanimaesh’sya sportom?
Эрик: Да, я играю в теннис. А ты Анна?
Erik: Da, ya igrayu v tenis. A ty Anna?
Анна: Я в шахматы играю.
Anna: Ya v shaxmaty igrayu.

