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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Russian Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 12 - Getting Married.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Elena: And I'm Elena.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Russian about getting married. Marina is getting married today, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment-
Elena: Самое счастливое событие в моей жизни.
Eric: Meaning - "The happiest day of my life." Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Марина: Самое счастливое событие в моей жизни.
(clicking sound)
Ира: Счастливой семейной жизни!
Аня: Совет да любовь!
Денис: Поздравляю вас!
Иван Петрович: Уже решили куда поедете в свадебное путешествие?
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Марина: Самое счастливое событие в моей жизни.
Eric: "The happiest day of my life."
(clicking sound)
Ира: Счастливой семейной жизни!
Eric: "Have a happy family life!"
Аня: Совет да любовь!
Eric: "May you live happily!"
Денис: Поздравляю вас!
Eric: "Congratulations!"
Иван Петрович: Уже решили куда поедете в свадебное путешествие?
Eric: "Have you already decided where you will go on your honeymoon?"
Eric: Listen to Марина (Marina)'s post again.
Elena: Самое счастливое событие в моей жизни.
Eric: "The happiest day of my life."
Elena: (SLOW) Самое счастливое событие в моей жизни. (Regular) Самое счастливое событие в моей жизни.
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "The happiest day" or “The happiest event.”
Elena: Самое счастливое событие (Samaye shchastlivaye sabytiye)
Eric: This phrase is commonly used to mean a very important day in Russian. Listen again. "The happiest day" is...
Elena: (SLOW) Самое счастливое событие (Samaye shchastlivaye sabytiye) (REGULAR) Самое счастливое событие (Samaye shchastlivaye sabytiye)
Eric: Then comes the phrase "of my life."
Elena: в моей жизни (f mayey zyzni)
Eric: Listen again. "Of my life" is...
Elena: (SLOW) в моей жизни (f mayey zyzni) (REGULAR) в моей жизни (f mayey zyzni)
Eric: All together, "The happiest day of my life."
Elena: Самое счастливое событие в моей жизни.
Eric: In response, Марина (Marina)'s friends leave some comments.
Eric: Her neighbor, Ира (Ira), uses an expression meaning - "Have a happy family life!"
Elena: (SLOW) Счастливой семейной жизни! (REGULAR) Счастливой семейной жизни!
Elena: Счастливой семейной жизни!
Eric: Use this expression to give warm wishes to someone getting married.
Eric: Her husband's high school friend, Аня (Anya), uses an expression meaning "May you live happily!"
Elena: (SLOW) Совет да любовь! (REGULAR) Совет да любовь!
Elena: Совет да любовь!
Eric: Use this expression to congratulate someone on their marriage .
Eric: Her college friend, Денис (Denis), uses an expression meaning - "congratulations!"
Elena: (SLOW) Поздравляю вас! (REGULAR) Поздравляю вас!
Elena: Поздравляю вас!
Eric: Use this expression to congratulate someone.
Eric: Her supervisor, Иван Петрович (Ivan Petrovich), uses an expression meaning - "Have you already decided where you will go on your honeymoon?"
Elena: (SLOW) Уже решили куда поедете в свадебное путешествие? (REGULAR) Уже решили куда поедете в свадебное путешествие?
Elena: Уже решили куда поедете в свадебное путешествие?
Eric: Use this expression to ask for more details.


Eric: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about getting married, which phrase would you use? Leave a comment letting us know, and we'll see you next time!
Elena: Пока (Paka)

