
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Oksana: Всем привет!
Eddie: Eddie here. Lower Intermediate Series Season 1, Lesson 2. Where are you going in Russia? Hello and welcome back to RussianPod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Russian. I'm joined in the studio by…
Oksana: Hello, everyone. Oksana here.
Eddie: Welcome to the second lesson of the Lower Intermediate Series, your second little step up to the Russian language.
Oksana: So as we have already told you, the first five lessons are dedicated to a family with two children, the younger of which was just turned ten and got a very exciting present for his birthday - a trip to summer camp for two months.
Eddie: [Егор] about his present and is looking forward to his two crazy months of freedom, no parental supervision. But unfortunately today’s lesson brings a little disappointment to Igor or we can say he will pay a certain price for his free birthday cheese.
Oksana: Let’s listen to the conversation and find out what it is.
Eddie: Мама, а когда я еду в лагерь?
Oksana: Пятнадцатого июля. Вика едет с тобой.
Eddie: Вика?! Я еду в лагерь со старшей сестрой? Но она мне испортит весь отдых!
Oksana: Не испортит. Просто если вдруг что-то случится, она будет рядом.
Eddie: Она всегда будет со мной ездить?! Между прочим, эта поездка – мой подарок на День Рождения... А ей она досталась просто так? Так не честно! Once again, more slowly.
Oksana: Еще раз, медленнее.
Eddie: Мама, а когда я еду в лагерь?
Oksana: Пятнадцатого июля. Вика едет с тобой.
Eddie: Вика?! Я еду в лагерь со старшей сестрой? Но она мне испортит весь отдых!
Oksana: Не испортит. Просто если вдруг что-то случится, она будет рядом.
Eddie: Она всегда будет со мной ездить?! Между прочим, эта поездка – мой подарок на День Рождения... А ей она досталась просто так? Так не честно! Once again, with a translation.
Oksana: Еще раз, с переводом. Мама, а когда я еду в лагерь?
Eddie: Mom, when is it that I'm going to a camp?
Oksana: Пятнадцатого июля. Вика едет с тобой.
Eddie: The fifteenth of July. Vika is going with you.
Oksana: Вика?! Я еду в лагерь со старшей сестрой? Но она мне испортит весь отдых!
Eddie: Vika?! I'm going to a camp with my older sister? But she'll ruin my whole vacation!
Oksana: Не испортит. Просто если вдруг что-то случиться, она будет рядом.
Eddie: She won't. It's just if something happens, she'll be there for you.
Oksana: Она всегда будет со мной ездить?! Между прочим, эта поездка – мой подарок на День Рождения... А ей она досталась просто так? Так не честно!
Eddie: Will she always go with me?! By the way, this trip is my birthday present...and she got it for no reason? It's not fair!
Eddie: That’s a bummer. Yeah, when you’re ten years old the person you want to take order from the least are your eldest brothers and sisters.
Oksana: I guess Egor’s reputation in the family is not crystal. He’s not the most well-behaved boy, sort of Russian Tom Sawyer.
Eddie: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary Egor uses to express his indignation.
Oksana: [Старший ]
Eddie: Older, elder.
Oksana: [Старший ]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Испортить]
Eddie: To spoil, ruin.
Oksana: [Испортить]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Весь]
Eddie: Entire, whole, all.
Oksana: [Весь]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Что-то]
Eddie: Something.
Oksana: [Что-то]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Случиться]
Eddie: To happen.
Oksana: [Случиться]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Рядом]
Eddie: Near, close.
Oksana: [Рядом]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Всегда]
Eddie: Always.
Oksana: [Всегда]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Между прочим]
Eddie: By the way, for your information.
Oksana: [Между прочим]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Достаться]
Eddie: To get.
Oksana: [Достаться]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Просто так]
Eddie: For no particular reason.
Oksana: [Просто так]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Честно]
Eddie: Really, honestly.
Oksana: [Честно]
Eddie: Let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word was…
Oksana: [Старший], “elder”. You should remember the two words for “older” and “younger” in pair. So [старший] means “older”. For example, [старший брат] or [старшая сестра]. And the word for “younger” would be [младший]. [Младший брат. Младшая сестра.]
Eddie: And what can [старшая сестра] do to a [младший брат]?
Oksana: Well, theoretically she can [испортить отдых].
Eddie: To ruin the vacation.
Oksana: [Испортить] literally means “to spoil” and can be referred to pretty much everything.
Eddie: And if you add [ся] and make this verb reflexive, you can use it to talk about different things, people, even food that was spoiled or has gone bad.
Oksana: For example, [Суп испортился].
Eddie: The soup went bad.
Oksana: [Его характер испортился]
Eddie: “His character has spoiled.” Then we have the word which might sound similar to the word [целый] from the previous lesson.
Oksana: Right, the word [весь]. Actually I would say that [весь] is just a more colloquial version of [целый]. For example let’s take the examples from the previous lessons and replace [целый] with [весь]. [Он весь день дома].
Eddie: He’s been at home all day.
Oksana: [Он съел все яблоко].
Eddie: “He ate the whole apple.” But the distinctive meaning of [весь] is “all”. Of course, we can replace the word “whole” with it sometimes, even in English, but there are cases when you can only use [весь].
Oksana: For example, [Он вернулся весь грязный].
Eddie: “He came back all dirty.” Next we have an interesting word.
Oksana: [Что-то] which means “something”. A pair of word you should remember is [кто-то] which means “someone”.
Eddie: Basically you add a small particle [то] to the words [что] and [кто], “what” and “who”.
Oksana: Right. Next word is [случиться].
Eddie: Which literally means “to happen”. The most common phrase you can hear with this word is probably the question “What happened?”
Oksana: [Что случилось?]
Eddie: And if you want to say “something happened” using the words we’ve just learned, what would you say?
Oksana: [Что-то случилось?]
Eddie: Ok, let’s move to the next word.
Oksana: [Рядом]
Eddie: A simple adverb which means “near”, “close”, “next to”. For example, how would you say “sit next to me”.
Oksana: [Садись рядом]
Eddie: That was an easy one. The next word is even easier. A simple word that means “always”.
Oksana: [Всегда]
Eddie: And because Russian word order is quite flexible, you can put it pretty much anywhere in your sentence.
Oksana: The next phrase needs some extra attention. The phrase [между прочим].
Eddie: Literally it means “among other things”. It can be translated into English as “besides”, “by the way” or inter alia.
Oksana: It’s used very commonly among Russians, especially in a mentoring or reproaching tone of voice, kind of like “FYI, [между прочим]”.
Eddie: I just imagined a mean cheerleader saying exactly that.
Oksana: Exactly a good analogy. The next word, [достаться], is also something we should make a stop on.
Eddie: [Достаться] is the reflexive form of the word [достать], “to reach”, “to get”. It’s commonly used when you get something you didn’t intend or plan, but just happened to get in both good and bad sentences, whether this things was desired or undesired.
Oksana: Here are some examples. [После развода ей достался дом]
Eddie: “After the divorce, she got the house.” Divorce processes are unpredictable. She could have gotten more or less.
Oksana: [Мне достался выигрышный билет]
Eddie: “I got a winning lottery ticket.” And the last word for today, phrase even…
Oksana: [Просто так]
Eddie: Literally it means “just like this” and means “without any particular reason”. Let’s make a short dialogue as an example.
Oksana: [Зачем ты ему звонила?]
Eddie: Why did you call him?
Oksana: [Просто так, поболтать]
Eddie: No reason, just to chat.
Oksana: If it was supposed to be a question of an angry boyfriend, I don’t think the answer would satisfy him though. Ok, the last word is [честно].
Eddie: Means “honestly” or “fair”. In our dialogue, we heard kind of a set phrase for “that’s not fair” which is…
Oksana: [Так не честно]

Lesson focus

Eddie: In the last lesson, the grammar part was a piece of cake for you. Just a warm-up before the real grammar. And today we’ll start something serious.
Oksana: But in a very easy way.
Eddie: We’re going to talk about verbs of motion. The verbs of motion are quite confusing for the Russian language learners, therefore we’ll stop on each of them separately in different lessons.
Oksana: Today we will talk about some of the words that correspond to the English “to go”.
Eddie: Essentially there’s no word in Russian that is like the English “go”. Instead, you should always indicate how you’re going somewhere, whether you’re going in one direction or making a return trip. Take a look at this pair of verbs.
Oksana: Ехать, ездить.
Eddie: “To go by transport. Drive, train, bus”, etc. So both words mean the same thing in English, but there must be some difference between them, right?
Oksana: Of course. The word [ехать] is the unidirectional verb. It indicates the one-way motion. The verb [ездить] is called the multidirectional verb.
Eddie: Let’s go a little deeper into them. When do we use the unidirectional [ехать] and where should we put the multidirectional [ездить]? The unidirectional [ехать] is used to talk specifically about going in one direction. This form often corresponds to the continuous tenses in English. When you say “I am” or “we are”, indicating the on-going of a future process. As an example, we can use the sentence from our dialogue.
Oksana: [Когда я еду в лагерь?]
Eddie: When am I going to the camp?
Oksana: [Вика едет с тобой.]
Eddie: “Vica is going with you.” The multidirectional form of the verb “to go”, [ездить], is used when talking about actions in more than one direction. For example a return trip. Also, use this form when you’re talking in general about going somewhere or where there is no motion or the number of directions is irrelevant. Again, let’s use an example from our dialogue.
Oksana: [Она всегда будет со мной ездить?]
Eddie: “Will she always go with me?” We’re talking about Igor’s sister going with him everywhere, not mentioning any particular directions or purposes. So we can classify it as talking in general. Here’s another example.
Oksana: [Мы ездили по городам Европы.]
Eddie: “We went around the cities of Europe.” Here we’re talking about a number of different directions, nothing in particular. And the last example…
Oksana: [В прошлом году мы ездили в Москву.]
Eddie: “Last year we went to Moscow.” Here, a return is implied. We classify it as multidirectional because it implies at least two trips.
Oksana: Eddie, we explained the difference between [ехать] and [ездить], but we know that in Russian the verbs change according to a person and in the past tense according to gender and number.
Eddie: Yes, it’s called the conjugation of verbs. Why don’t we conjugate these verbs in the present tense at least?
Oksana: Ok, let’s do it. First, the word [ехать].
Eddie: “To go”, unidirectional.
Oksana: [Я еду. Ты едешь. Он (она, оно) едет. Мы едем. Вы едете. Они едут] Now the word [ездить].
Eddie: “To go”, multidirectional.
Oksana: [Я езжу. Ты ездишь. Он (она, оно) ездит. Мы ездим. Вы ездите. Они ездят]


Eddie: That just about does it for today. Premium Members, don’t forget to subscribe to the Premium Feed.
Oksana: One of our most powerful features to date.
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Oksana: Audio files, PDFs, videos. Get everything we have.
Eddie: Everything with just the click of a button and get it through iTunes.
Oksana: Not a Premium Member and what to test it out?
Eddie: Get the sample feed at RussianPod101.com. [Пока]
Oksana: [Пока!]

