
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eddie: Eddie here. Lower Intermediate Series Season 1, Lesson 10. Welcome to the last psychiatric session in this series. Today we’ll try to find out whether our young guy gets out of the doctor’s office with the results he expected or maybe the pills and a bad lifestyle have completely messed up his health. What’s it going to be, Oksana?
Oksana: Let’s hope for the best. By trial and error, he should have already come to some conclusions for himself. Now everything is in his hands.
Eddie: Let’s listen to the conversation and see what finally happens to the guy and wish him good luck.
Eddie: Здравствуйте, доктор. Я пришёл поделиться с Вами хорошей новостью.
Oksana: Да? Какой?
Eddie: Я стал замечательно спать! Я бросил таблетки, я прихожу домой в 7 вечера, бегаю, ужинаю лёгким салатом и фруктами, слушаю музыку и читаю книги вместо телевизора, пью тёплое молоко на ночь и ложусь спать в 11 вечера. Просыпаюсь в 7 утра и чувствую себя отлично!
Oksana: Я очень рада за Вас. Продолжайте здоровый образ жизни и у Вас не будет никаких проблем!
Eddie: Once again, more slowly.
Oksana: Еще раз, медленнее.
Eddie: Здравствуйте, доктор. Я пришёл поделиться с Вами хорошей новостью.
Oksana: Да? Какой?
Eddie: Я стал замечательно спать! Я бросил таблетки, я прихожу домой в 7 вечера, бегаю, ужинаю лёгким салатом и фруктами, слушаю музыку и читаю книги вместо телевизора, пью тёплое молоко на ночь и ложусь спать в 11 вечера. Просыпаюсь в 7 утра и чувствую себя отлично!
Oksana: Я очень рада за Вас. Продолжайте здоровый образ жизни и у Вас не будет никаких проблем!
Eddie: Once again, with a translation.
Oksana: Еще раз, с переводом. Здравствуйте, доктор. Я пришёл поделиться с Вами хорошей новостью.
Eddie: Hello doctor. I came to share some good news with you.
Oksana: Да? Какой?
Eddie: Oh yeah? What is it?
Oksana: Я стал замечательно спать! Я бросил таблетки, я прихожу домой в 7 вечера, бегаю, ужинаю лёгким салатом и фруктами, слушаю музыку и читаю книги вместо телевизора, пью тёплое молоко на ночь и ложусь спать в 11 вечера. Просыпаюсь в 7 утра и чувствую себя отлично!
Eddie: I sleep just perfectly now! I quit my pills, I come home at seven PM, jog, have a light dinner with salad and fruits, listen to music and read books instead of TV, drink warm milk at night, and go to bed at eleven PM. I wake up at seven AM and feel great!
Oksana: Я очень рада за Вас. Продолжайте здоровый образ жизни и у Вас не будет никаких проблем!
Eddie: I'm very happy for you. Continue on leading a healthy lifestyle and you won't have any problems!
Oksana: Nice. Actually, most people would just go with the flow and keep indulging into the bad habits saying, “Well, there is nothing I can do about it”.
Eddie: Yeah, that must’ve taken lots of willpower. I just can’t believe he went to the psychiatrist to get the advice to change his lifestyle. Wasn’t it obvious?
Oksana: Well, we need an authority to convince us to do the obvious things sometimes. So let’s take a look at the vocabulary used in this inspiring dialog.
Eddie: Ok, the first word we’ll look at is...
Oksana: [Поделиться]
Eddie: To share.
Oksana: [Поделиться]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Новость]
Eddie: News.
Oksana: [Новость]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Замечательный]
Eddie: Great, wonderful.
Oksana: [Замечательный]
Eddie: And next.
Oksana: [Бросить]
Eddie: To throw, to quit.
Oksana: [Бросить]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Вместо]
Eddie: Instead of.
Oksana: [Вместо]
Eddie: Next.
Oksana: [Продолжать]
Eddie: To continue.
Oksana: [Продолжать]
Eddie: And next.
Oksana: [Здоровый]
Eddie: Healthy.
Oksana: [Здоровый]
Eddie: And last.
Oksana: [Образ жизни]
Eddie: Lifestyle.
Oksana: [Образ жизни]
Eddie: Let’s have closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. First we had a word…
Oksana: [Поделиться] “to share”. This word consist of three parts: prefix, stem, ending. [По-делить-ся]
Eddie: Let’s take a look at the main part of it, [делить]. Without any prefixes and endings, this word means “to divide”, “to distribute”, “to split into”. For example…
Oksana: For example, [Делить наследство].
Eddie: To divide an inheritance.
Oksana: [Делить деньги пополам]
Eddie: “To split the money in half.” When we add the prefix [по] to the word, we transform it from an imperfective word, the one that represents an incomplete action, ongoing or habitual process, into a habitual one, a successfully completed or one time action. So if we say…
Oksana: [Делить наследство] “to divide an inheritance” we mean the process of it. And when we say [Поделить наследство], “to have divided an inheritance” literally, we mean a completed action.
Eddie: When we add the ending [ся], we turn a normal verb, perfective or imperfective into a reflexive verb, the one that represents the concept of self. [I] indicates that the object performs an action on himself like [одеваться], “to dress oneself”. Together with the reflexive ending [ся], the word [поделить] means “to share”, “to give part of something you have to someone. For example…
Oksana: [Делиться конфетами с соседом.]
Eddie: To share candles with the neighbor.
Oksana: [Поделиться деньгами с братом.]
Eddie: “To share” or “have shared some money with a brother”. But note that the nouns with the reflexive verb [поделиться], like the words from above [конфеты, деньги], should be used in the instrumental case.
Oksana: Right. And the next word we have is [новость].
Eddie: “The news”. In Russian, it’s a countable noun so you can say [одна новость, две новости] and so on.
Oksana: Next we have a simple adjective - [замечательный].
Eddie: Yeah, that’s simple. It means “great” or “wonderful”. Next.
Oksana: [Бросить]. Literally “to throw” like in [бросить мяч], “to throw a ball”.
Eddie: But this word is also often used in the following meanings. The first one is “to quit”.
Oksana: For example, [Я бросила курить].
Eddie: I quit smoking.
Oksana: [Он бросил пить.]
Eddie: He quit drinking.
Oksana: [Она бросила работу.]
Eddie: “She quit her job.” And the second meaning is a bit traumatic but very popular unfortunately. “To leave someone”, “to dump someone”.
Oksana: For example, [Он бросил ее].
Eddie: He left her, he broke up with her, he dumped her.
Oksana: Ok, we better jump to the next word. [Вместо]
Eddie: [Вместо] means “instead of”. [Вместо телевизора] “instead of TV”. What’s next?
Oksana: [Продолжать]. [Продолжать] means “to continue”, “to keep doing something”.
Eddie: You can simply put the dictionary form of a verb after it to make a phrase like “to keep doing something. [Продолжать делать]
Oksana: Or [продолжать читать], “to keep reading”. In our dialogue, we have a phrase with a noun going after it [Продолжайте здоровый образ жизни].
Eddie: [Здоровый] means “healthy”. In the dialogue it was “a healthy lifestyle”.
Oksana: The phrase for lifestyle is [образ жизни] which literally means “the image” or “the way of life”.

Lesson focus

Eddie: So we didn’t have any difficult vocabulary today. Now let’s hope the grammar part will be just as easy.
Oksana: It will be. We’ll go through only one grammar case today, the accusative case. Can you tell us a bit more about this case, Eddie?
Eddie: I’ll try. So, the accusative case. The easiest way to determine how to use the accusative case is to ask the key questions associated with it. So in other words, when you’re forming the sentence first ask yourselves the questions “whom or what do I or the subject see, draw, eat, want” or other actions. Or “to where do I or the subject go”. The examples of the accusative case in this lesson are…
Oksana: [Бросил таблетки]
Eddie: Quit taking pills.
Oksana: [Слушаю музыку]
Eddie: Listen to music.
Oksana: [Читаю книги]
Eddie: Read books.
Oksana: [Пью молоко]
Eddie: Drink warm milk.
Oksana: [Продолжайте здоровый образ жизни]
Eddie: “Continue a healthy lifestyle.” So take any of these phrases and try to think whether they can be the answers to the questions of the accusative case.
Oksana: Well, they sure can, but to understand the system better just try to match them with the questions. For example the phrase “To quit pills”. The question to this sentence would be “What do I quit?” We’re questioning the noun, remember? So we have the question word “what” and we have the action performed on the pills, “quit”. So I guess everything fits the formula here.
Eddie: Now we just have to figure out how to form the accusative case. Let’s start with the masculine nouns, as usual.
Oksana: Ok. Actually, I should have mentioned this from the beginning. The accusative case is a bit tricky. We have to divide the nouns into the animate, those that are alive, people or animals, and inanimate, non-living objects.
Eddie: Right. Then if the noun is inanimate, a non-living object, there’s no change.
Oksana: For example, in the phrase [Образ жизни] the word [образ], “image” or “way”, is inanimate therefore it remains in its dictionary form, [образ].
Eddie: If the noun is animate, personal, animal and ends in a consonants add [а]. If it ends in [е] or soft sign, replace them with [я].
Oksana: Feminine nouns usually end with [у] or [ю] in the accusative case. For example, [Я слушаю музыку], “I listen to music”. Or [Я еду в Россию], “I'm going to Russia.”
Eddie: With the neutral nouns it’s easy. Almost all neutral nouns are inanimate, therefore they don’t change.
Oksana: [Я пью молоко] “I drink milk.”
Eddie: But the plurals might be a bit confusing. If you have inanimate nouns in the plural, you don’t change them.
Oksana: For example, [Я бросил таблетки]. “I quit pills”. And [Я читаю книги]. “I read books.”
Eddie: And animate nouns, even though they’re plural, should be modified according to the gender. For example, masculine nouns in plural usually end in [ов, ей] or [ев].
Oksana: [Я встретил своих учителей] “I met my teachers.”
Eddie: And if the nouns are feminine, especially if they end in [а], like most of the feminine nouns, you just drop [а] and leave the noun with no ending.
Oksana: For example, [Я нашла своих подруг]. “I found my girlfriends.” The dictionary form of [подруг] is [подруга] so we just dropped [а] and got [подруг], a noun in plural number in the accusative case.


Eddie: Ok, that’s your lot for today. [Пока!]
Oksana: See you next time. Bye.

