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Lesson Transcript

Yuriy: Hello and welcome back to RussianPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner season 1, lesson 3 - Let’s go for a walk in Russia! I’m Yuriy.
Elena: А я Елена. Привет. I’m Elena.
Yuriy: In this lesson, you'll learn about the genders of adjectives in Russian.
Elena: The conversation takes place on the phone and is between Lera and Alex.
Yuriy: The speakers are friends, so they’ll be using informal Russian. Okay! Let’s listen to the conversation.
Алекс:Алло! Лера, это ты?
Лера:Да. Привет, Алекс. Как дела?
Алекс:Нормально. Слушай, ты что сейчас делаешь?
Лера:Ой, мне нужно приготовить поесть и убрать в комнате.
Алекс:Лера, сегодня великолепная погода, голубое небо и теплый ветерок. Может погуляем?
Лера: Хм...Хорошая идея. Куда пойдем?
Алекс:В ботанический сад.
Лера: С удовольствием!
Aleks: Allo! Lera, eto ty?
Lera: Da. Privet, Aleks. Kak dela?
Aleks: Normal'no. Slushay, ty chto seychas delayesh'?
Lera: Oy, mne nuzhno prigotovit' poyest' i ubrat' v komnate.
Aleks: Lera, segodnya velikolepnaya pogoda, yasnoye, goluboye nebo i teplyy veterok. Mozhet pogulyayem?
Lera: Khm...Khoroshaya ideya. Kuda poydem?
Aleks: V botanicheskiy sad.
Лера: S udovol'stviyem!
Алекс:Алло! Лера, это ты?
Yuriy: Hello! Lera, is that you?
Лера:Да. Привет, Алекс. Как дела?
Yuriy: Yes. Hi, Alex. How are you?
Алекс:Нормально. Слушай, ты что сейчас делаешь?
Yuriy: OK. Hey, what are you doing now?
Лера:Ой, мне нужно приготовить поесть и убрать в комнате.
Yuriy: Oh, I need to cook and clean the room.
Алекс:Лера, сегодня великолепная погода, голубое небо и теплый ветерок. Может погуляем?
Yuriy: Lera, today it's wonderful weather, a blue sky and a warm breeze. Let's go for a walk?
Лера: Хм...Хорошая идея. Куда пойдем?
Yuriy: Hmm... Good idea. Where shall we go?
Алекс:В ботанический сад.
Yuriy: To the botanical garden.
Лера: С удовольствием!
Yuriy: With pleasure!
Yuriy: A botanical garden! That sounds like it could be fun. Which one do you think they’ll go to?
Elena: There aren’t that many botanical gardens in Moscow, so I’m guessing they’ll go to the Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences.
Yuriy: What’s so special about that one?
Elena: Well, first of all, it’s one of the biggest botanical gardens in Europe. It also has its own research laboratory, rosarium, and arboretum. And a Japanese garden. It’s so beautiful in the spring and summer. I love going there!
Yuriy: That’s a good tip, listeners. Speaking of seasons, what’s the weather like in summer in Moscow?
Elena: In summer it’s about 22 to 26 degrees Celsius. But, you know, these days the temperature is much higher. Like in 2012, the heat went right up to 38 degrees in Moscow.
Yuriy: That’s pretty hot! Okay, now let’s move on to the vocab.
Elena великолепная [natural native speed]
Yuriy wonderful
Elena великолепная [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena великолепная [natural native speed]
Elena сейчас [natural native speed]
Yuriy now; at the moment, just a moment
Elena сейчас [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena сейчас [natural native speed]
Elena погода [natural native speed]
Yuriy weather
Elena погода [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena погода [natural native speed]
Elena голубое [natural native speed]
Yuriy blue
Elena голубое [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena голубое [natural native speed]
Elena небо [natural native speed]
Yuriy sky
Elena небо [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena небо [natural native speed]
Elena тёплый [natural native speed]
Yuriy warm
Elena тёплый [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena тёплый [natural native speed]
Elena ветерок [natural native speed]
Yuriy breeze
Elena ветерок [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena ветерок [natural native speed]
Elena приготовить поесть [natural native speed]
Yuriy to cook a meal
Elena приготовить поесть [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena приготовить поесть [natural native speed]
Elena убрать в комнате [natural native speed]
Yuriy to clean the room
Elena убрать в комнате [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena убрать в комнате [natural native speed]
Elena идея [natural native speed]
Yuriy idea
Elena идея [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Elena идея [natural native speed]
Yuriy: Let’s take a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word for this lesson is...
Elena: убрать, which we came across in the phrase убрать в комнате, it means “to clean the room”. This verb has several meanings.
Yuriy: The first meaning of this verb is “to clean up” or “to tidy up”. For example...
Elena: Ваня, убери у себя на столе.
Yuriy: “Vanya, clean up your desk.” Or another example...
Elena: Мама попросила меня убрать в комнате.
Yuriy: "My mother asked me to clean the room." The other meaning of this verb is “to take away” or “to remove”. For example:
Elena: Уберите отсюда вашу машину.
Yuriy: “Move your car away from here.” There’s one more meaning of this word, which you might find in TV shows or movies, or even the news.
Elena: It means “to kill somebody”. For example, Преступники решили убрать директора завода.
Yuriy: “The criminals decided to kill the director of the factory.” The next word is...
Elena: голубой.
Yuriy: In Russian, the wordголубой means “blue” as in the color. For example...
Elena: голубое небо; “blue sky”
Yuriy: голубое море; “blue sea”
Elena: голубое платье; “blue dress”
Yuriy: Here’s an example sentence:
Elena: Мне нравится твоё голубое платье.
Yuriy: “I like your blue dress.”

Lesson focus

Elena: In this lesson, you’ll learn the genders of adjectives.
Yuriy: In Russian, adjectives have one of three genders - masculine, feminine or neuter. Whether it is masculine, feminine or neuter, the form of an adjective depends on the noun which the adjective describes. This means that an adjective can change its gender, whereas a noun cannot.
Elena: As a rule, masculine adjectives whose stems end in a hard consonant, will have one of two endings: ый or ой.
Yuriy: And which ending you use depends on stress. If an ending is stressed, it will end with ой. For example, молодой which means “young” or голубой which means “blue”. If the ending is not stressed, the adjective will end in ый. For example, тёплый which means “warm”. Elena, what about adjectives ending in a soft consonant?
Elena: Adjectives with a stem ending in a soft consonant or г, к, х, ж, ч, ш, or щ will have the ending ий. For example, синий which means “blue”.
Yuriy: The feminine adjectives end with either aя or яя. Again, it depends on the hardness or softness of the last letter of the stem.
Elena: Right. The adjectives whose stems end with a hard consonant or г, к, х, ж, ч, ш, or щ will have the ending aя, and adjectives ending in soft consonants will have the ending яя.
Yuriy: Can you give us some examples?
Elena: синяя, meaning “dark blue” and тёплая, meaning “warm”.
Yuriy: Neuter adjectives have the endings ое and ее. The rule is that the adjectives whose stem ends in a hard consonant, or after г, к, or х, will have the ending ое.
Elena: Like голубое, meaning “blue”.
Yuriy: The adjectives whose stems end with ж, ч, ш, or щ with the stress on the stem will have the ending ее. For example….
Elena: хорошее, which means “good”.
Yuriy: And if an adjective’s stem ends in ж, ч, ш, or щ with the stress on the ending, the neuter adjective will have the ending ое. For example, большое, which means “big”.


Yuriy: Okay, that’s it for this lesson. In the next lesson, we’ll learn about plural nouns.
Elena: Thanks for listening everyone! Come back soon! До свидания!
Yuriy: Пока-пока.

