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Lesson Transcript

Yura: Привет всем, с Вами – RussianPod101.com, я – Yura.
Svetlana: А я – Svetlana, здравствуйте, welcome to lesson 21 of our Intermediate series, Registering Your Life in Russia.
Yura: in this lesson we will learn how to conjugate verbs in the Past tense to describe major events in people’s lives
Svetlana: The conversation takes place on a street across from the registration office
Yura: And it is between Masha and Jeff
Svetlana: The speakers will use informal Russian because they are close friends.
Yura: All right, let’s listen to the conversation.
Джеф: Какая красивая свадьба, и прямо на улице!
Маша: Это здание ЗАГСа, а эта пара просто ждёт своей очереди на регистрацию.
Джеф: Аа, значит, место, где люди женятся в России называется ЗАГС.
Маша: Да, но там не только женятся. Там ещё и разводятся, регистрируют рождение, смерть, усыновление и так далее.
Джеф: Хмм... Смотри, мне кажется, вон те двое только что развелись.
Маша: Да, как-то они не очень весело выглядят...
Yura: Let’s listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Джеф: Какая красивая свадьба, и прямо на улице!
Маша: Это здание ЗАГСа, а эта пара просто ждёт своей очереди на регистрацию.
Джеф: Аа, значит, место, где люди женятся в России называется ЗАГС.
Маша: Да, но там не только женятся. Там ещё и разводятся, регистрируют рождение, смерть, усыновление и так далее.
Джеф: Хмм... Смотри, мне кажется, вон те двое только что развелись.
Маша: Да, как-то они не очень весело выглядят...
Yura: Let’s listen to the conversation with English translation.
Джеф: Какая красивая свадьба, и прямо на улице!
Jeff: What a beautiful wedding, and it's right on the street!
Маша: Это здание ЗАГСа, а эта пара просто ждёт своей очереди на регистрацию.
Masha: This building is the registry office “ZAGS”, and this couple is just waiting for their turn to register.
Джеф: Аа, значит, место, где люди женятся в России называется ЗАГС.
Jeff: Oh, so the place where people get married in Russia is called ZAGS.
Маша: Да, но там не только женятся. Там ещё и разводятся, регистрируют рождение,
смерть, усыновление и так далее.
Masha: Yes, but it's not only for marriages. People there also get divorced, register births, deaths, adoptions, and so on.
Джеф: Хмм... Смотри, мне кажется, вон те двое только что развелись.
Jeff: Hmm ... Look, I think those two have just gotten divorced.
Маша: Да, как-то они не очень весело выглядят...
Masha: Yes, they don't look fun at all ...
Yura: So Jeff and Masha are near the registry office and are looking at some couple
Svetlana: Yes, and they don’t look so happy and are not wearing any wedding outfits like one would expect.
Yura: So they suggest that maybe they are getting divorced.
Svetlana: Yes, ZAGS is a very important place in one’s life because they register all the changes in your personal life-marriage, birth of children, adoption, divorce.
Yura: I see, I thought it would be done in court or police.
Svetlana: Yes, in case of some complicated matter, all the procedures are done in the court, then police and finally in the registry office.
Yura: I see. Is there just one registry office in the city usually?
Svetlana: No, there are several, but there is always a central one with the nicest facilities so many people want to get married there. There is always a waiting list, especially in summer.
Yura: I see, well, let’s go to the vocabulary to take a closer look at the words and the expressions.
Svetlana: Sounds good to me!
Yura: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson
1 The first word is
свадьба (natural)
свадьба (slow)
свадьба (natural)
2 Next is
Прямо на (natural)
right in the
Прямо на (slow)
Прямо на (natural)
3 Next is
ЗАГС (natural)
Registry office
ЗАГС (slow)
ЗАГС (natural)
4 Next is
Очередь (natural)
line, queue
Очередь (slow)
Очередь (natural)
5 Next is
регистрация (natural)
a registration
регистрация (slow)
регистрация (natural)
6 Next is
жениться (natural)
to get married (for a man or when speaking about a couple)
жениться (slow)
жениться (natural)
7 Next is
Разводиться (natural)
to divorce
Разводиться (slow)
Разводиться (natural)
8 Next is
Рождение (natural)
Рождение (slow)
Рождение (natural)
9 Next is
Усыновление (natural)
Усыновление (slow)
Усыновление (natural)
10 Last is
выглядеть (natural)
to look
выглядеть (slow)
выглядеть (natural)
Yura: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word we will take a look at is свадьба which means ‘wedding’.
Svetlana: what a wonderful word.
Yura: Oh yeah?
Svetlana: Yes, I love to go to weddings! Я люблю ходить на свадьбы!
Yura: The next word is Прямо наThis couple of prepositions can be translated as “right in” or “right on”.
Svetlana: For example,
Yura: ‘The bus was coming right at me.’
Svetlana: Автобус ехал прямо на меня. What is the next word?
Yura: The next one is an abbreviation ЗАГС-what is this?
Svetlana: Отделы за́писей а́ктов гражда́нского состоя́ния- and it means ‘city hall’ or ‘registry office.’ This is where people go to register their marriage, divorce and so on.
Yura: I see, what is the next word?
Svetlana: The next word is Жениться which means “to marry” but is used when the subject is male or we are referring to the couple.
Yura: For example, ‘He will marry her as soon as he finishes his military service.’
Svetlana: Он жениться на ней, как только закончит службу в армии. If we are talking about a woman we must use the verb выходить замуж.For example,
Yura: She doesn’t want to marry a policeman.
Svetlana: Она не хочет выходит замуж за полицейского.
Yura: I see, well everyone has their own preferences. And what do people do when things don’t work out?
Svetlana: они разводятся. They divorce.
Yura: Are there different words for men and women as well?
Svetlana: no, the same verb-разводиться is used. The next word is усыновление- adoption. As you can see it has the root сын-’son’, so we use it only if the boy is adopted. If a girl is adopted the word-удочерение is used.
Yura: I see, fair enough. And what is the last word?
Svetlana: The last word is Выглядеть and it is translated as ‘look like’ and is usually used with adjectives or comparisons which start with ‘like’ (как) or ‘if’ (как будто)
Yura: For example, ‘She looks very tired with those dark circles under her eyes.’
Svetlana: Она выглядит очень усталой с тёмными кругами под глазами.
Yura: Good job. Let’s see what we have in our grammar point.

Lesson focus

Yura: In this lesson, we're going to learn about how to conjugate the verbs in the past tense.
Svetlana: As you may remember, Russian verbs change according to the tenses, to person, to gender, and to number.
Yura: In this lesson we are going to talk about the past tense.
Svetlana: Okay, the past tense is made up with the help of the suffix -л-. For example, Делать-делал ‘Do-did’
Читать-читал ‘Read-read(past)’
Говорить-говорил ‘speak –spoke’
Yura: And here’s good news. Unlike English, there is just one past tense in Russia.
Svetlana: So the sentence in the past simple will be formed with perfective verbs.
Yura: And we already know them! So for example, “I did my homework yesterday.” would be
Svetlana: Я сделал мою домашнюю работу вчера.
Yura: ‘He drank all the milk in the house.’
Svetlana: Он выпил всё молоко в доме.
Yura: The verbs in our lesson describe the main events in a human life that have happened in the past so we will use mostly perfective verbs.
Svetlana: right, for example, Жениться - get married
женился - got married
Родиться - be born
Родился - was born
Усыновить - adopt
Усыновил - adopted
Yura: How do you say, ‘I was born in 1985?’
Svetlana: Я родился в 1985 году.
Yura: He got married at the age of 30.
Svetlana: Он женился в возрасте 30 лет. Ok. To translate a sentence in the Past Progressive we will use imperfective verbs in Russian. For example,
Делать- do
делал-was doing
Читать- read
читал-was reading
Ходить- walk
ходил-was walking
Yura: what kinds of verbs concern someone’s personal life?
Svetlana: well, for example,
Встречаться date
встречался was dating
Работать work
работал was working
Yura: Let’s make a couple of sentences!
Svetlana: All right, она встречались 3года.
Yura: They were dating 3 years.
Svetlana: Она рассталась со своим бывшим парнем и вышла замуж за другого.
Yura: She broke up with her ex-boyfriend and married another man. That’s sad.
Svetlana: ладно, они поженились и жили-поживалида добра наживали. God, this Disney generation, you just have to have a happy ending.
Yura: Great, they got married and lived happily ever after. Yes, I like happy endings!
Svetlana: Okay. And listeners, please check the Lesson Note. You can learn more about this grammar point.
Yura: I hope listeners enjoyed our lesson and we are looking forward to your small biographies in Russian!
Svetlana: Okay, that’s all for this lesson


Yura: See you next time.
Svetlana: пока пока

