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Lesson Transcript

Yura: Привет всем, с Вами – RussianPod101.com, я – Yura.
Svetlana: А я – Svetlana, здравствуйте, welcome to Intermediate Russian, lesson 19, A Toast to the Happy Russian Couple.
Yura: In this lesson, we will learn how to form imperfective verbs from perfective and use imperative forms specific for each type of these verbs
Svetlana: The conversation takes place in a restaurant
Yura: and it is between a guest and the hostess.
Svetlana: The speakers will use informal but polite Russian because it is a casual celebration.
Yura: All right, let’s listen to the conversation.
Хозяйка дома: Дорогие гости, большое спасибо, что вы пришли на наш юбилей. Давайте выпьем!
Друг семьи: Подождите, я хотел бы сказать тост.
Хозяйка дома: Пожалуйста.
Друг семьи: Я хочу поднять этот бокал за моих лучших друзей - прекрасную пару Елену и Ивана, и пожелать им счастья, здоровья, удачи и долгих лет совместной жизни. Ребята, за вас!
Хозяйка дома: Спасибо! За дружбу и любовь!
Yura: Let’s listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Хозяйка дома: Дорогие гости, большое спасибо, что вы пришли на наш юбилей. Давайте выпьем!
Друг семьи: Подождите, я хотел бы сказать тост.
Хозяйка дома: Пожалуйста.
Друг семьи: Я хочу поднять этот бокал за моих лучших друзей - прекрасную пару Елену и Ивана, и пожелать им счастья, здоровья, удачи и долгих лет совместной жизни. Ребята, за вас!
Хозяйка дома: Спасибо! За дружбу и любовь!
Yura: Let’s listen to the conversation with English translation.
Хозяйка дома: Дорогие гости, большое спасибо, что вы пришли на наш юбилей. Давайте выпьем!
Hostess: Dear guests, thank you very much for coming to our anniversary. Let's drink!
Друг семьи: Подождите, я хотел бы сказать тост.
Family friend: Wait, I'd like to say a toast.
Хозяйка дома: Пожалуйста.
Hostess: Please.
Друг семьи: Я хочу поднять этот бокал за моих лучших друзей - прекрасную пару Елену и Ивана, и пожелать им счастья, здоровья, удачи и долгих лет совместной жизни. Ребята, за вас!
Family friend: I want to raise this glass to my best friends - the perfect couple Elena and Ivan, and wish them happiness, good health, good luck and a long life together. Guys, to you!
Хозяйка дома: Спасибо! За дружбу и любовь!
Hostess: Thank you! To friendship and love!
Yura: So, it is an anniversary party and they are saying their first toast.
Svetlana: right, it is rude not to say something before starting drinking and eating.
Yura: yes, probably. So they raise their glasses and wish the couple
Svetlana: happiness, good health, good luck and a long life together. These are the usual toasts at any party.
Yura: are there any more elaborate toasts?
Svetlana: oh, yeah, like little stories with a joke or a punch line at the end or poems. They originally come from the Caucasus region just like barbecue.
Yura: do you know any?
Svetlana: I can’t think of any right now, I will prepare one next time we have a party, ok?
Yura: it’s a deal. I am in charge of drinks and food; you are in charge of entertainment and toasts.
Svetlana: ok, sounds good to me. But before we get to that, let’s study some new vocabulary.
Yura: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson
1 The first word is
прийти (natural)
to come (on foot)
прийти (slow)
прийти (natural)
2 Next is
Юбилей (natural)
Юбилей (slow)
Юбилей (natural)
3 Next is
выпить (natural)
выпить (slow)
выпить (natural)
4 Next is
подождать (natural)
подождать (slow)
подождать (natural)
5 Next is
Сказать тост (natural)
say a toast
Сказать тост (slow)
Сказать тост (natural)
6 Next is
Поднять (natural)
raise, lift
Поднять (slow)
Поднять (natural)
7 Next is
Пожелать (natural)
Пожелать (slow)
Пожелать (natural)
8 Next is
Долгий (natural)
Долгий (slow)
Долгий (natural)
9 Next is
вместе (natural)
вместе (slow)
вместе (natural)
10 Last is
за (natural)
behind (about place); for
за (slow)
за (natural)
Yura: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Svetlana: The first word we will take a look at is Прийти.
Yura: This verb can be translated as “to come” but only on foot.
Svetlana: If you want to say come by bus or train you will need to use another verb-приехать.
Svetlana: The conjugation in the present tense would be:
Yura: For example, Can you come around 5 o’clock?
Svetlana: Вы можете прийти около пяти часов? The next word is anniversary-юбилей.
Yura: what are the main юбилей- or shall I say in plural юбилеи in Russia?
Svetlana: well, there 1 year, 5, 10, 25, 30, 45, 50, 75 years. And numbers that looks pretty - like 33 or 55 also can be anniversaries.
Yura: Okay. The next one is ‘to say a toast’-сказать тост.
Svetlana: well, this is a very important part of any event-formal or informal. Russians don’t drink without saying a toast- and anyone can be asked to say one anytime.
Yura: how do you say, please say a toast?
Svetlana: пожалуйста, скажи тост! And when you are getting ready to say a toast you need to raise your glass-поднять бокал. Поднять –is our next word.
Yura: what else can we raise besides the glass?
Svetlana: поднять планку -raise the bar.
Svetlana: wonderful, we have just a couple of words left. Вместе This adverb is translated as ‘together’ and usually is used with verbs.
Yura: For example,We will cook dinner together.
Svetlana: Мы будем готовить ужин вместе.
Yura: Okay, Let’s move to the grammar part.

Lesson focus

Yura: In this lesson, we're going to learn about the imperative mood, which is used to make a request, order or suggestion, to an action. For example, in a sentence, Let’s speak Russian.
Svetlana: Давайте говорить по-русски. You are absolutely right. There are several ways to form the imperative mood and in this lesson we are going to learn two ways to form them. The imperative forms usually exist in the second person both plural and singular. Ты –you and вы –you.
Yura: and the first way to make a verb imperative is
Svetlana: to take the part of the verb without ending in the present tense conjugation (2person) and add –и (й) for singular and -ите for plural. For example,We take the verb Читать-read, the form in the present tense in second person is читаешь, we take away the ending –ешь and add й at the end-читай. To form the plural form we add –йте and it becomes читайте. To sum up, Читать- читаешь- читай-читайте.
Yura: A similar example is
Svetlana: Выпить
Yura: drink
Svetlana: Выпьешь
Yura: you drink
Svetlana: Выпей
Yura: (please) drink
Svetlana: выпейте
Yura: ‘please drink’ in the plural form.
Svetlana: Great job. In both cases the part of the verb without the ending finished with a vowel so we add й, not и.
Yura: what happens if it ends with a consonant?
Svetlana: If the part of the verb without the ending ends with a consonant we add и. For example, Поднять (to raise)- поднимешь-подними-поднимите
Сказать (to say)-скажешь-скажи-скажите
Yura: give us an example, please.
Svetlana: Sure, Скажите пожалуйста, который час?
Yura: Tell me what time it is?
Svetlana: And the second and probably easier way to form imperatives is to take the verb Давай- let's *for singular and Давайте *for plural and add an infinitive, imperfective verbs only! With perfective verbs we add a form in the present tense, which is used with the pronoun ‘we.’
Yura: so for the imperfective verbs it would be,
Svetlana: давай петь! Let's sing! Давай говорить по-русски! Let’s speak Russian.
Yura: Давайте пить шампанское! Let’s drink champagne!
Svetlana: haha, not so fast, let’s make the examples with perfective verbs too. Давай споём!
Yura: Let's sing!
Svetlana: Давай поговорим по-русски! Let’s speak Russian! As you can see, with imperative it is very important to know the difference between the perfective and imperfective verbs. The ability to form them is important too. We have learnt how to form perfective verbs from the imperfective verbs in the previous lessons. In this lesson we will learn how to form imperfective verbs from the perfective.
Yura: Imperfective verbs can be formed from the perfective verbs with the help of some suffixes
Svetlana: right for example, the suffixes –и and -ить
спасти to save (once)
спасать to save (many times)
ступить to step (once)
ступать to step (many times)
Yura: Listeners, from now on pay attention to the prefixes and suffixes when you conjugate or use the verbs in imperative mood.
Svetlana: Okay, that’s it for today.


Yura: See you next time.
Svetlana: пока пока

