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Lesson Transcript

Yura: Привет всем, с Вами – RussianPod101.com, я – Yura.
Svetlana: А я – Svetlana, здравствуйте, welcome to the Intermediate Russian, lesson 18, In the Russian Kitchen.
Yura: in this lesson we will learn how to conjugate perfective verbs and form perfective verbs with the prefix на-
Svetlana: the conversation is being broadcast – it is a TV programme
Yura: and it is between Marina and Alexey
Svetlana: The speakers will use informal Russian because it is a casual cooking programme.
Yura: all right, let’s listen to the conversation then.
Алексей: Научи меня готовить борщ.
Марина: Хорошо, смотри. Сначала нужно сварить бульон из говядины. Потом натереть свёклу и потушить её с уксусом. Отдельно пожарить морковь и лук. Нарезать картофель и капусту. Сначала в кипящий бульон положить картофель, потом капусту, а в конце добавить жареные овощи. Соль и перец добавлять по вкусу, варить ещё минут 20.
Алексей: А как подавать?
Марина: Подавать с хлебом и чесноком. Можно ещё положить ложку сметаны и посыпать травами
Yura: Let's listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Алексей: Научи меня готовить борщ.
Марина: Хорошо, смотри. Сначала нужно сварить бульон из говядины. Потом натереть свёклу и потушить её с уксусом. Отдельно пожарить морковь и лук. Нарезать картофель и капусту. Сначала в кипящий бульон положить картофель, потом капусту, а в конце добавить жареные овощи. Соль и перец добавлять по вкусу, варить ещё минут 20.
Алексей: А как подавать?
Марина: Подавать с хлебом и чесноком. Можно ещё положить ложку сметаны и посыпать травами
Yura: Let's listen to the conversation with English translation.
Алексей: Научи меня готовить борщ.
Alexey: Teach me how to cook borsch.
Марина: Хорошо, смотри. Сначала нужно сварить бульон из говядины. Потом натереть свёклу и потушить её с уксусом. Отдельно пожарить морковь и лук. Нарезать картофель и капусту. Сначала в кипящий бульон положить картофель, потом капусту, а в конце добавить жареные овощи. Соль и перец добавлять по вкусу, варить ещё минут 20.
Marina: Ok, watch closely. First you need to cook a beef broth. Then you should grate the beets and stew them with vinegar. Fry the carrots and onions separately. Cut the potatoes and cabbage. You put the potatoes into the boiling broth first, then put in the cabbage, and at the end you add fried vegetables. Add salt and pepper to taste and cook for another 20 minutes.
Алексей: А как подавать?
Alexey: And how should I serve it?
Марина: Подавать с хлебом и чесноком. Можно ещё положить ложку сметаны и посыпать травами
Marina: Serve with bread and garlic. You can even put in a spoon of sour cream and sprinkle with herbs.
Yura: So, they are cooking borsch!
Svetlana: yep, pretty obvious! They said it at the beginning of the dialogue but even if you missed the beginning you can understand that.
Yura: right, because it starts with cooking beef broth, and then adding beetroot and cabbage
Svetlana: right, the ingredients cry out borsch. Have you ever tried borsch?
Yura: yes, I like it very much, especially when it is chilly outside.
Svetlana: yes, it is so nice to eat some kind of soup when it is cold outside, it just warms your body up so quickly. I guess that is the reason why there are so many soups in Russian cuisine!
Yura: really? For example?
Svetlana: well, there is borsch, and уха-fish soup, and mushroom soup, and many others that are invented by families.
Yura: are they spicy?
Yura: No, Russian cuisine is very simple, the ingredients are good on their own so the taste is very mild, creamy and a little oily for some people.
Yura: I see, now let’s go over the vocabulary.
Svetlana: sounds good to me!
Yura: The first word is…
Научить (natural)
Научить (slow)
Научить (natural)
Yura: Next is
готовить (natural)
to cook
готовить (slow)
готовить (natural)
Yura: Next is
Сварить (natural)
boil, cook
Сварить (slow)
Сварить (natural)
Yura: Next is
Говядина (natural)
Говядина (slow)
Говядина (natural)
Yura: Next is
Натереть (natural)
Натереть (slow)
Натереть (natural)
Yura: Next is
Потушить (natural)
Потушить (slow)
Потушить (natural)
Yura: Next is
Пожарить (natural)
Пожарить (slow)
Пожарить (natural)
Yura: Next is
Нарезать (natural)
Нарезать (slow)
Нарезать (natural)
Yura: Next is
Кипящий (natural)
Кипящий (slow)
Кипящий (natural)
Yura: Last is
подавать (natural)
подавать (slow)
подавать (natural)
Yura: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Svetlana: The first word is Научить. This verb is translated as teach and can be used in two collocations. First, “to teach someone”For example,
Yura: I taught my mom to speak English.
Svetlana: Я научила мою маму говорить по-английски. The second collocation is “ to teach something” For example, I will teach you English. Я научу тебя английскому. If a noun is used after the verb, this noun is used in the dative case.
Yura: for example, My mother will teach me cooking.
Svetlana: Mоя мама научит меня готовить. And готовить is our next word- which means cook.
Yura: can you cook? Ты умеешь готовить?
Svetlana: yes, I can! Ok, we continue this topic with the next word- which has two translations-to cook or to boil- сварить.
Yura: what types of food are used with сварить?
Svetlana: hmm, I usually use- make coffee-сварить кофе and Cook soup - Сварить суп
Yura: I see. Do you have any other cooking verbs?
Svetlana: Of course! Our main topic is cooking! There are натереть- to grate, потушить- to stew, пожарить-to fry , нарезать- to slice and подавать-serve.
Yura: Натереть can be translated as grate.
Svetlana: The conjugation in the present tense is the following
Yura: The next word is потушить- to stew, and in Russian cuisine we usually stew vegetables-
Svetlana: потушить овощи.
Yura: the next verb is to fry- пожарить and ‘I would like to fry a steak.’
Svetlana: хочешь пожарить бифштекс? Sounds like a good idea for dinner. And ‘I will slice some bread and vegetables for a salad.’ Я нарежу хлеба и овощей для салата. As you can see, we use the noun in the genitive case.
Yura: so we will serve steaks, bread and salad.
Svetlana: да, мы будем подавать бифштексы, хлеб и салат.
Yura: And the last word is кипящий- boiling. For example,
кипящая вода - boiling water.
Кипящее масло - boiling oil
Yura: Now let’s go to the grammar point.

Lesson focus

Yura: In this lesson, we're going to learn about perfective verbs.
Svetlana: Also, we are going to take it a little further and try to conjugate these verbs in the present tense.
Yura: we have seen and read those verbs in the previous lessons so it it not completely new grammar.
Svetlana: we will just organize and systemize the knowledge that many of you, dear listeners, already have.
Yura: ok, so first a little review. What kind of verbs are perfective?
Svetlana: Perfective verbs denote an action that is finished, ended. For example, Сделать-do has the meaning of ‘have done’ or ‘will do.’ //
Я сделаю домашнюю работу завтра. I will do homework tomorrow.
Yura: and in this lesson we will learn how to conjugate these verbs, right?
Svetlana: that is correct. There are three tenses in Russian and the verb takes 6 forms in each tense according to the pronouns. The order is usually the following I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they.
Yura: We can conjugate perfective verbs only in the present and past tenses. The conjugation in the present tense has the notion of the Future tense.
Svetlana: yes, you are absolutely right. But in order not to get confused with too many forms at once, we are going to start conjugating only in the present tense. For example,
Сделаю "I will do"
Сделаешь "you will do"
Сделает "he,she, it will do"
Сделаем "we will do"
Сделаете "you will do"
Сделают "they will do"
Yura: and since our topic is cooking, we are going to conjugate all the cooking verbs from this lesson that are perfective.
Svetlana: good idea, so the first verb is
Научить "to teach"
Научу "I will teach"
Научишь "you will teach"
Научит "he,she,it will teach"
Научим "we will teach"
Научите "you will teach"
Научат "they will teach"
Yura: let’s make a sentence!
Svetlana: ok, Я научу тебя варить уху.
Yura: I will teach you how to cook uha. What was uha again?
Svetlana: fresh fish soup.
Yura: And in Russian, the verbs with the pronoun I usually end with у-ю- сделаю, потушу
Svetlana: Right. The verbs with you end with – шь нарежешь, потушишь
Yura: The verbs with he, she, it end with- т сварит, нарежет
Svetlana: Verbs with we end with –м сварим, нарежем
Yura: Verbs with the pronoun you*plural end with –те нарежете, сварите
Svetlana: Verbs with the pronoun they end with -т сварят, нарежут
Yura: although we can see these tendencies, still it is so hard to conjugate the verbs.
Svetlana: it hard even for Russians – we need to memorise a great deal of conjugations and exceptions. That is why we are taking it very slow so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Yura: ok, I see. Okay. Dear listeners, have a little homework. Find some perfective verbs from the previous lessons and try to conjugate them. You can then send your conjugations to us so we can check them.
Svetlana: you are full of ideas!


Yura: Okay, that’s it for today.
Svetlana: пока пока

