
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jonathan:Hi everyone, I’m Jonathan.
Svetlana:And I’m Svetlana!
Jonathan:And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Russian Vocabulary, Lesson 17! In this lesson you'll learn 5 essential words related to People &Homes. These are five common things found in Russian homes. Hand picked. You can find a complete list of vocabulary at RussianPod101.com
Jonathan:Svetlana, what’s our first word?
Svetlana:(slow) Тапочки (regular) Тапочки
Jonathan:Listeners, please repeat:
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jonathan:Carpets were once common in Russian homes, so everyone always removed their shoes and put on slippers upon entering a home; the tradition continues today even though carpets are now a rarity in homes there.
Jonathan:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Svetlana:(normal) В российском доме гостям всегда предлагают тапочки
Jonathan:Guests are always offered slippers in Russian homes.
Svetlana:(slow) В российском доме гостям всегда предлагают тапочки
Jonathan:Okay, what’s the next word?
Jonathan:coat rack
Svetlana:(slow) Вешалка (regular) Вешалка
Jonathan:Listeners, please repeat:
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jonathan:Every Russian house has a coat rack near the entrance to the home so that guests can hang their coats up.
Jonathan:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Svetlana:(normal) В России часто говорят ""Театр начинается с вешалки""
Jonathan:There is a saying in Russia that theater begins from the coat rack.
Svetlana:(slow) В России часто говорят ""Театр начинается с вешалки""
Jonathan:Okay, what’s the next word?
Svetlana:Хозяйственное мыло
Jonathan:laundry soap
Svetlana:(slow) Хозяйственное мыло (regular) Хозяйственное мыло
Jonathan:Listeners, please repeat:
Svetlana:Хозяйственное мыло
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jonathan:Russians typically use laundry soap to wash smaller pieces of cloth by hand rather than using a washing machine.
Jonathan:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Svetlana:(normal) Хозяйственное мыло используется как для стирки так и для мытья посуды
Jonathan:Laundry soap is used both for laundry and for dish washing.
Svetlana:(slow) Хозяйственное мыло используется как для стирки так и для мытья посуды
Jonathan:Okay, what’s the next word?
Svetlana:Православный крест, икона
Jonathan:Orthodox cross, the Icon
Svetlana:(slow) Православный крест, икона (regular) Православный крест, икона
Jonathan:Listeners, please repeat:
Svetlana:Православный крест, икона
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jonathan:Russia’s national religion is Russian Orthodox, so many Russians have an Orthodox cross or icon in their homes, even if they are not very religious.
Jonathan:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Svetlana:(normal) Русские верят, что православный крест или икона оберегает дом от несчатья
Jonathan:Russians believe that the Orthodox Cross or icon protect the house from bad luck.
Svetlana:(slow) Русские верят, что православный крест или икона оберегает дом от несчатья
Jonathan:Okay, what’s the last word?
Svetlana:(slow) Веник (regular) Веник
Jonathan:Listeners, please repeat:
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jonathan:Vacuum cleaners only arrived in Russia recently, so a broom was – and still is in some villages – commonly used to clean floors.
Jonathan:Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Svetlana:(normal) В России существует много суеверий, связанных с веником.
Jonathan:There are a lot of superstitions related to brooms in Russia.
Svetlana:(slow) В России существует много суеверий, связанных с веником.
Jonathan:Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Svetlana will give you the Russian – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
[pause]Jonathan:coat rack
Svetlana:Хозяйственное мыло
[pause]Jonathan:laundry soap
Svetlana:Православный крест, икона
[pause]Jonathan:Orthodox cross, the Icon


Jonathan:There you have it – 5 common things in the home in Russia! We have a more complete list at RussianPod101.com. Thanks everyone, See you next time!
Svetlana:пока пока

