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John: Hi everyone, and welcome back to RussianPod101.com. This is Business Russian for Beginners Season 1 Lesson 9 - The Last Day of the Year in a Russian Office. I’m John.
Karina: Привет, I'm Karina.
John: In this lesson, you’ll learn what to say when you leave the office before the New Year break. The conversation takes place at the office.
Karina: It's between Linda and Anna.
John: The speakers are co-workers, so they will use informal Russian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Линда: С наступающим!
Анна: Спасибо! И тебя тоже!
Линда: Спасибо!
Анна: Хорошо провести время!
Линда: И тебе!
John: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Линда: С наступающим!
Анна: Спасибо! И тебя тоже!
Линда: Спасибо!
Анна: Хорошо провести время!
Линда: И тебе!
John: Listen to the conversation with the English translation
Linda: I wish you a happy holiday.
Anna: Thank you! You too!
Linda: Thank you!
Anna: Have a good time.
Linda: You too!
John: Which is the most important holiday in Russia?
Karina: New Year Holidays are the longest and most loved national holidays in Russia.
John: Is there a fixed schedule for the holidays?
Karina: The schedule differs every year, but usually there is a 10-day break in between December 30th and January 9th.
John: Let’s remember that Russia, being an Orthodox Christian country, celebrates Christmas on January 7th
Karina: Right, so don't expect most companies and institutions to be open till January 8th.
John: That’s good to know.
Karina: January may be the least productive month of the year, as Russians also celebrate the so called "Old New Year" on January 13th and often take paid leave until after the national holidays are over.
John: How do you say “New Year” in Russian?
Karina: Новый Год
John: Okay, now onto the vocab.
John: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Karina: и [natural native speed]
John: and
Karina: и[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Karina: и [natural native speed]
John: Next we have..
Karina: тоже [natural native speed]
John: too, also
Karina: тоже[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Karina: тоже [natural native speed]
John: Next we have..
Karina: С наступающим! [natural native speed]
John: Happy coming, or Happy (New Year)!
Karina: С наступающим![slowly - broken down by syllable]
Karina: С наступающим! [natural native speed]
John: And last..
Karina: хорошо проводить время [natural native speed]
John: to have a good time
Karina: хорошо проводить время[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Karina: хорошо проводить время [natural native speed]
John: Let's have a closer look at the usage of one of the phrases from this lesson. The phrase is..
Karina: хорошо проводить время.
John: meaning "Have a good time."
Karina: The phrase consists of the adverb хорошо meaning "well" and проводить время meaning "to spend time" and has the meaning of a wish. It doesn't include any emotional emphasis.
John: Can you make the phrase more formal?
Karina: Yes, you can add вам "you" - Хорошо Вам провести время!
John: What’s an example using the non-formal version?
Karina: For example, you can say.. Хорошо провести время в отпуске!
John: ..which means "Have a good time during your vacation!" Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

John: In this lesson, you'll learn what to say when you leave the office before the New Year break. When you leave the office on the last business day before a long holiday related to some specific celebration, you might want to say farewell to your boss and co-workers in a special way.
Karina: For example С наступающим!
John: literally meaning “Happy coming New Year!”
Karina: Or if you happen to meet someone after the New Year’s Eve, с наступившим!
John: meaning “Happy New Year!”
Karina: Both of these adjectives, наступающий and наступивший, were formed from the verb наступить meaning “to come (about time).”
John: What’s the difference?
Karina: Наступающий is an adjective in present form referring to some action that is happening now or just about to happen, while наступивший is a past form, showing that the action has been completed. In both cases, you have to use the preposition c.
John: which usually means “with,” but in greetings can be translated as “happy.” Though both of these phrases are quite neutral and can be used when speaking with your boss, does the usual rule of “the longer - more polite” also work here?
Karina: Yes, you can add Новым Годом “New Year” to get a more polite version, for example С наступающим Новым Годом!
John: which can also be translated as “Happy Coming New Year!” What are the other main Russian holidays to be aware of when you’re doing business in Russia?
Karina: On March 8th, we have Международный женский день
John: which is “Women’s Day”
Karina: Originally it was a celebration for working women and showing that they have equal rights to men, but nowadays it has become Women's Day, with no limitations on age or working status.
John: How is it celebrated?
Karina: Traditionally men buy tulips or yellow mimosa and some presents for all the women in their families. This holiday is also celebrated in every company where women work.
John: What are some other important celebrations?
Karina: On February 23rd we celebrate День защитника отечества
John: which is “Defenders' Day” or “Men's Day.” Traditionally this was the holiday for all men who served in the military.
Karina: Right, and nowadays, just like Women's Day, it is celebrated among men or boys of any age, both at home and at work.
John: Does Russia celebrate “Labor Day”?
Karina: Yes, on May 1st, and it is called День труда
John: In contemporary Russia, this holiday has lost its initial meaning of “labor day of all socialist workers” and now includes the meaning of Spring Day, when the weather is nice and sunny. A lot of people spend this holiday outdoors.
Karina: Finally, remember День победы on May 9th.
John: Which is “Victory Day.” What is celebrated on that day?
Karina: Victory Day is the day of capitulation of Nazi Germany to the USSR in the Second World War. Nowadays, there are victory parades and other celebrations all over the country, with the main one being held at Red Square in Moscow.
John: Good to know. Now, let’s say that you are working in Russia in one of these periods, is there any special saying you should remember?
Karina: Usually on the day before we just say с наступающим праздником
John: meaning “happy coming holiday”
Karina: or, if it’s after the holiday, we simply say с праздником
John: Meaning “happy holiday,”
Karina: If you want to sound more polite, you can wish someone a good holiday for any of these days by saying поздравляю с followed by the name of the holiday in the instrumental case, for example Поздравляю с Международным женским днём
John: meaning “Happy Women’s Day!” Finally, how can you reply to best wishes?
Karina: You can first thank with Спасибо, and then return the greeting with a similar wish followed by “you too,” which in Russian has an informal version, и тебя тоже and a formal version, и Вас тоже.


John: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Karina: Пока!

