
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Anna: [Здравствуй Пекин, меня зовут Анна]
Eric: Eric here. Beginner Series Season 1, Lesson 23 – “Emergency in Russia. Help, my friend is drowning.” Hi, my name is Eric and I'm joined here by…
Anna: Anna.
Eric: [Доброе утро, Анна]
Anna: [Доброе утро, Эрик]
Eric: Good morning, Anna.
Anna: Good morning, Eric. Hello everyone and welcome back to RussianPod101.com.
Eric: Thank you for joining us for this lesson here at RussianPod101.com.
Anna: Reinforce what you’ve learned by using the flash cards in the Learning Center. There is a reason we’ve all used flash cards at some point in our studies. The bottom line is they work.
Eric: They really do help with memorization and that’s why we’ve made them part of the core curriculum at RussianPod101.com.
Anna: In our previous lesson, we talked about drinking too much and perfective and imperfective verbs.
Eric: The focus of today’s lesson is talking about ailments and asking and giving advice.
Anna: This conversation takes place in a pharmacy.
Eric: And the conversation is between James and a pharmacist.
Anna: The speakers do not know each other, therefore they will be speaking formally.
Eric: Ok, let’s listen to today’s conversation. I’ll be playing James.
Anna: And I’ll be playing the pharmacist.
Eric: Ok, here we go.
Eric: [Здравствуйте. У меня болит голова. Что вы мне посоветуете?]
Anna: [Попробуйте это лекарство. Все говорят, что хорошо помогает.]
Eric: [Спасибо.]
Eric: Once again, slowly.
Anna: Еще раз, медленнее.
Eric: [Здравствуйте. У меня болит голова. Что вы мне посоветуете?]
Anna: [Попробуйте это лекарство. Все говорят, что хорошо помогает.]
Eric: [Спасибо.]
Eric: One time, natural native speed with translation.
Anna: Еще раз, с переводом.
Anna: [Здравствуйте. У меня болит голова. Что вы мне посоветуете?]
Eric: Hello. I have a headache, what would you suggest that I take?
Anna: [Попробуйте это лекарство. Все говорят, что хорошо помогает.]
Eric: You could try this medicine. Everyone says it helps a lot.
Anna: [Спасибо.]
Eric: Thanks.
Anna: Ok, Eric. It’s now your turn to tell us your life stories. Have you ever had hangover after drinking with Russian friends?
Eric: Actually, Anna, no. And you may not believe me but the time I had too much vodka – this was actually with my host family and they were having a big party – I got rid of it that night. So in the morning I was fresh as a daisy.
Anna: Oh, you disappointed me. Ok, but have you ever heard the traditional Russian method of curing the hangover headache is to drink the cucumber or cabbage pickle?
Eric: The cabbage pickle? I’ve never heard of this, Anna. I have to say…
Anna: No, Eric, I mean the water in the pickle jar.
Eric: So you drink that water?
Anna: Actually I like this water, but people usually use this water to cure their hangover headache.
Eric: Does it work? Have you tried this, Anna?
Anna: I haven’t tried this, but maybe you should try next time.
Eric: Ok, Anna. If you give me some pickle water, I will be happy to drink it anytime.
Anna: Ok, ok.
Eric: Sounds interesting. And cabbage also? Cabbage water?
Anna: Cabbage juice.
Eric: Cabbage juice.
Anna: Because you don’t usually add water when you pickle cabbage.
Eric: So it’s just the…
Anna: Just the juice.
Eric: The juice left over from the pickled cabbage.
Anna: Yes, it’s very good.
Eric: Sounds inviting. Alright. Ok, Anna, let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Eric: The first word is…
Anna: [болеть]
Eric: To hurt.
Anna: [болеть]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [помогать]
Eric: To help.
Anna: [помогать]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [лекарство]
Eric: Medicine.
Anna: [лекарство]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [посоветовать]
Eric: To advise.
Anna: [посоветовать]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [голова]
Eric: Head.
Anna: [голова]
Eric: Ok, let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase we’ll look at is…
Anna: [у меня болит]
Eric: Which means?
Anna: I have an ache.
Eric: “An ache” or “something hurts”, right?
Anna: Right.
Eric: So in our dialogue, we had [у меня голова болит], right?
Anna: Right.
Eric: Can you change [голова] or “head” for something else like, say, “a tooth”?
Anna: Yes, exactly.
Eric: So how would you say “My tooth hurts” or “I have a tooth ache”?
Anna: [У меня болит зуб]
Eric: [У меня болит зуб]
Anna: [У меня болит зуб]
Eric: Ok. And what about “My leg hurts”?
Anna: [У меня болит нога]
Eric: [нога] is “leg”. So basically you can just say [у меня болит] and then whatever is hurting or ailing you.
Anna: Right. Perfect, Eric.
Eric: Ok. Good. Anna, what if your heart is aching? And I'm not talking about from a coronary by-pass situation here. I'm talking about from love.
Anna: Well, you need the intonation here so you can say [У меня болит сердце].
Eric: Well, I almost believe you there, Anna. Is it true?
Anna: No, it’s not.
Eric: Wow, she’s a good actress. Anna, let’s go over one more word in our dialogue. [попробуйте] or “try”. This one’s a tough word to say for me and it took me a long time to learn this word for “try. Can you break this down a little bit slower?
Anna: [попробуйте]
Eric: [попробуйте] Ok, so this can be used in many contexts, right?
Anna: Right.
Eric: So you can say “Try this”.
Anna: [попробуйте это]
Eric: Or “Try a certain food” or “Try anything” or just “Try”. [попробуйте]
Anna: Right.
Eric: Just do your best. [Попробуйте] “Try”.
Anna: “Try this”.
Eric: “Try this”. Not do your best though but at least try. Could it mean to put your effort into it?
Anna: Yeah, in certain contexts, yeah.
Eric: Yeah? Just at least try, right?
Anna: Yes.
Eric: And it’s formal “you”, right?
Anna: Yes, because we have [-те] at the end.
Eric: Exactly. So how would you say “Try this”?
Anna: [Попробуй это]
Eric: To your friend, right?
Anna: Yes, it’s informal.
Eric: Ok. This one’s a little bit easier, the informal, doesn’t have the [-те] so it’s [попробуйте]. “Try”. Ok. Let’s try our luck at grammar now.

Lesson focus

Eric: So for the grammar point today, we’re going to look at the expression “I have, you have, we have” as in “I have a headache, you have a headache”. So you can ask your friends if they have a headache. For example, we already learned how to say “I have a headache”. [У меня болит голова] How do you say “You have a headache”?
Anna: [У тебя болит голова]
Eric: Ok. And if you make it into a question?
Anna: [У тебя болит голова?]
Eric: It means “Do you have a headache?” And that’s talking to a friend or a child, for example.
Anna: Right.
Eric: Ok. So let’s go over these, “I have, you have, we have” with the expression [болит] or [болят]. What is [болят]?
Anna: [болят] is [болит] plural.
Eric: Plural. So for example, if you say “legs”, “My legs hurt”, you would say?
Anna: [У меня болят ноги]
Eric: [У меня болят ноги] And [голова] is not plural so it’s [болит]. Ok, good. So with this expression, you could say “I”.
Anna: [у меня]
Eric: You – informal.
Anna: [у тебя]
Eric: We.
Anna: [у нас]
Eric: You – formal.
Anna: [у вас]
Eric: He.
Anna: [у него]
Eric: She.
Anna: [у нее]
Eric: And “they”.
Anna: [у них]
Eric: So if you say “They have a headache”, how would you say that?
Anna: [У них болит голова]
Eric: Could you go one more time, a little slower?
Anna: Ok. [У них болит голова]
Eric: Ok. So you just change that first structure from [у меня], “I”, to “you, they, he, she”…
Anna: Right.
Eric: Ok. Another common ailment is a stomach ache. How would we say that?
Anna: [У меня болит живот]
Eric: And [живот] is “stomach”, right?
Anna: Right.
Eric: So “My stomach hurts”.
Anna: [У меня болит живот]


Eric: Ok, there it is. So for more examples of this construction, please see the PDF file for this lesson. I think that does it for today, Anna.
Anna: [Спасибо], Eric. And thank you, listeners. Please stop by and leave us a comment.
Eric: See you next time.
Anna: [До встречи]

