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Lesson Transcript

Hi, everybody! It’s me Katya. Welcome to RussianPod101.com. Всем привет (Vsem privet). Today, our topic is 5 biggest festivals in Russia. Let’s check it out!
1. Зимний фестиваль (Zimniy festival') "Winter Festival"
Люблю Зимний фестиваль в Москве. Как в сказке. (Lyublyu Zimniy festival' v Moskve. Kak v skazke.) "I like the Winter Festival in Moscow. It feels like a fairy tale.”
2. Масленица (Maslenitsa) "Maslenitsa "
Мы с братом всегда участвовали в гуляниях на Масленицу, когда были детьми. (My s bratom vsegda uchastvovali v gulyaniyakh na Maslenitsu, kogda byli det'mi.) "My brother and I always took part in the Maslenitsa Festival when we were kids."
Now you should definitely try Maslenitsa Festival if you like pancakes. You will love it. So you make a pancake, a big one like this. You put butter on top and then another pancake on top of it and then another....and then it goes on like a tower, “delicious” вкусные (vkusnyye).
3. Золотая Маска (Zolotaya Maska) "Golden Mask Russian Performing Arts Festival"
Золотая Маска - самый престижный в России фестиваль кино, балета и оперы. (Zolotaya Maska - samyy prestizhnyy v Rossii festival' kino, baleta i opery.) "Golden Mask is the most prestigious drama, ballet and opera festival in Russia."
4. Московский Международный кинофестиваль (Moskovskiy Mezhdynarodnyy kinofestival') "Moscow International Film Festival"
Московский Международный кинофестиваль - один из самых старых в мире. (Moskovskiy Mezhdynarodnyy kinofestival' - odin iz samykh starykh v mire.) "The Moscow International Film Festival is one of the oldest in the world."
5. Круг света (Krug sveta) "Circle of Light Festival"
На фестивале "Круг света" можно увидеть потрясающее световое шоу. (Na festivale "Krug sveta" mozhno uvidet' potryasayushchee svetovoe shou.) "At the Circle of Light Festival, you can see a great light show."

