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pdf notes would be better with audio

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pdf notes would be better with audio

Postby Marco1928 » April 29th, 2014 3:53 pm

I find that the most useful part of every lesson are the pdf notes, more particularly the many sentences that you provide as examples. It's useful because it shows you the many forms and permutation of each word used in the lesson (conjugation, cases, etc.). It would be a lot more useful if it had an audio component to it, or at least if the emphasis was indicated in the written format. I find the transliteration unhelpful, because it does not distinguish how certain letters are pronounced differently according to the emphasis (an o can be said 'o' or 'a', but in the transilteration, it'll always show as an 'o' sound).

The best way to go would be to have a downloadable audio component of each lesson where the sentence in english is read, then the listener has a few seconds to repeat it in Russian, and then a native (it has to be a native) russian speaker reads it in russian. A bit like the pimsleur method.

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Re: pdf notes would be better with audio

Postby nerko83piit_51465 » October 17th, 2017 6:03 pm

That is really something interesting

Move here

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Re: pdf notes would be better with audio

Postby JaneSmith76 » October 19th, 2017 2:57 am

wonderful place, make me inspirate and go there.
juegos friv gratis.

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Re: pdf notes would be better with audio

Postby george32manner2_51494 » November 13th, 2017 6:32 am

It's all very interesting as well as your entire forum and I'm glad I could become part of it. I also have information for you that if you ever feel lonely, you can boldly take advantage of the offer on this site and spend time in a nice female company!

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Re: pdf notes would be better with audio

Postby yeutinhlangson_51485 » May 31st, 2018 9:17 am

That is the article I was looking for. Your article gives me another approach on this issue. I hope to read more articles from you. bloxorz

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