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Russian Prayers

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Russian Prayers

Postby robyano » October 27th, 2009 1:40 am

I am looking to learn a few prayers in Russian. My wife and I are adopting a child from Russia and want to teach him his language. I've been searching online and can't find these anywhere. Can someone give me an idea? Thanks.

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Postby keistas » October 27th, 2009 11:18 am

I guess it would sound the following:
"Отче наш, сущий на небесах! да святится имя Твое;
да приидет Царствие Твое; да будет воля Твоя и на земле, как на небе;
хлеб наш насущный дай нам на сей день;
и прости нам долги наши, как и мы прощаем должникам нашим;
и не введи нас в искушение, но избавь нас от лукавого."
(You can find this one in this great site:
I would also like to point out that Russian Orthodox Church still uses Old Slavonic (Церковнославянский язык) in liturgy, but Russian might be used in individual prayer, I guess. As for the other prayers, I would like you to suggest you to look up in Russian Wikipedia, because I do not know a better place to find them.

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Postby russian_guy » October 27th, 2009 8:22 pm

first of all i think it is great your adopting from russia. para spat means time to sleep. now you could try jehovahs wittnesses and they might have things in russian to help i know that i got a book from them in russian and english. you can get a bible too in any langugae you desire. now there is another thing out there that could help called
this is ukrainian but it also has russian things too. another place to search for payers would be to check online or make up one from scratch. i know when i was little i could pray in spanish( i dont anymore)
hope this helps good luck with your familly :P

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Congratulowac on the adoption of the Russian child!

Postby Miiszhah » March 9th, 2010 6:21 am

Here's a Russian audio! Check it out, lots of prayers to hear in this baby!
And here you can download a html Russian Bible:


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