I am quite obnoxious with my target languages. I speak to everyone and anyone in French or Russian. Of course, I have to translate, but I get to practice in everyday situations. When I order a coffee in a cafe, I order in French. When I go to the local store for milk, I greet everyone in Russian, then ask them how they are in Russian. I say thank you in Russian and in French too. I use it all the time every chance I get. People are so used to me doing this at all my regular hangouts that it is no longer a surprise or even an annoyance. The other day when I was in the book store I started talking in French, said thank you in Russian and sure the person behind the counter was stunned, but they were also happy because they remembered that they knew French. The young man said, "Oh, I used to study French!" We both laughed.
In sum, I use my languages in bits and pieces everyday in most every situation. When I finally get the pronunciation down for a new expression, I just use it right away. If people are really bothered, say in one of the grocery stores, I just speak in English that way no one is the worse for wear. I am not the least bit shy or afraid of embarrassing myself, so I just go ahead and take the plunge, much like a toddler learning how to speak--just go for it! You will even make new associates and even make most people smile.