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Postby tormsen » July 2nd, 2008 5:01 am

I hope you guys get the alphabet section running soon, I'm starting from nothing and I haven't got a firm grasp on the alphabet yet.

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Joined: June 24th, 2008 1:58 pm


Postby Elena » July 2nd, 2008 12:37 pm

Hi tormsen,
you could check this out:

You can hear all the letters and the examples pronounced.

Hope this helps.

Making things difficult is easy; making them easy is difficult.

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Postby the_haunted_boy » July 3rd, 2008 12:59 am

Cyrillic was really hard for me to learn, but I used a book called "Teach Yourself Beginner's Russian Script" and then I was able to at least read Russian, but cursive is too hard for me to read or write in Cyrillic.

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Postby Annalee » July 23rd, 2008 10:23 pm

Thanks for the link! I've been looking over it and listening everyday, and I've memorized a lot of it. :]

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Postby bratja » July 29th, 2008 7:40 pm

Oh, that looks like a good site. Thanks!

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Postby mjjzf » February 7th, 2009 11:02 pm

the_haunted_boy wrote:Cyrillic was really hard for me to learn, but I used a book called "Teach Yourself Beginner's Russian Script" and then I was able to at least read Russian, but cursive is too hard for me to read or write in Cyrillic.

I have used the Japanese one and just ordered the Arabic one. The series have high standards, I believe.

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Postby RavinDave » June 7th, 2009 8:09 am

I wrote this on another website in answer to someone fumbling with the alphabet:

Look ... you're psyching yourself out before you even start by making it such a big deal. It really isn't.

Here's a strategy:

1.) Find a website with some simple Russian cognates.

2.) Write'em up as flashcards. You don't need many -- you're not learning vocabulary here, you're trying to develop recognition. There are only 33 characters; a dozen well-chosen cards will cover them nicely.


бар --- bar
телефон --- telephone
класс --- class

There ... 11 letters covered in 3 words. 1/3 of the alphabet conquered.

I'll get you started: ... n_cognates

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