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need to learn these realy bad

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need to learn these realy bad

Postby russian_guy » January 6th, 2010 12:17 am

hey my browser went to russian text on me and i dont know any computer terms for copy past delete ect. so i think we could do a lesson on the most important things for computers . it can be a video lesson or anything
just as long as you do it soon because i realy cant figure out what happened and how to get my browser back to english

Expert on Something
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Joined: January 15th, 2009 11:52 pm

Postby russian_guy » January 6th, 2010 12:49 am

able to get my browser back to english but still put these words in

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Postby baggieonline » February 2nd, 2010 8:54 am


Here is a link that might help you in the meantime. ... ary005.htm

It looks like a load of spam at first sight, but scroll down a bit to the alphabet and each letter brings up a reasoable list of English - Russian translations of computer terms.

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