
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Beginner Series Season 2, Lesson 5 - The one stop Russian shop. Hello and welcome back to RussianPod101.com, a fast, easy and fun way to learn Russian. I'm joined in the studio by…
Anna: Anna. Hello, everyone. In this lesson, you’ll be able to review what you have learned in lesson one through four.
Eric: This conversation takes place outside.
Anna: And conversation is between Eric and Anna.
Eric: The speakers are friends, therefore they’ll be speaking informally.
Anna: Ok, let’s listen to the conversation.
Eric: Here we go.
Eric: [Анна, куда ты идешь?]
Anna: [В магазин. Я купила там сумку вчера, и на ней уже лопнула молния. Смотри!]
Eric: [Черт! Ты думаешь, они обменяют ее?]
Anna: [Не знаю. Я потеряла чек.]
Eric: Once again, slowly.
Anna: Еще раз, медленнее.
Eric: [Анна, куда ты идешь?]
Anna: [В магазин. Я купила там сумку вчера, и на ней уже лопнула молния. Смотри!]
Eric: [Черт! Ты думаешь, они обменяют ее?]
Anna: [Не знаю. Я потеряла чек.]
Eric: One time, natural native speed with translation.
Anna: Еще раз, с переводом.
Anna: [Анна, куда ты идешь?]
Eric: Anna, where are you going?
Anna: [В магазин. Я купила там сумку вчера, и на ней уже лопнула молния. Смотри!]
Eric: To the shop. I bought a bag there yesterday and the zipper is already broken. Look.
Anna: [Черт! Ты думаешь, они обменяют ее?]
Eric: Gosh, do you think they’ll exchange it?
Anna: [Не знаю. Я потеряла чек.]
Eric: “I don’t know. I’ve lost the receipt.”
Eric: So, Anna, can I ask you a question?
Anna: Yes.
Eric: What do you have in your bag today?
Anna: Oh, nothing special really. Several lipsticks, mascara, hairbrush, small manicure set, favorite book, sunglasses.
Eric: Do you really use everything in there? No wonder the zippers break so easily.
Anna: Isn’t it the usual thing, Eric? I mean, having everything you might need with you.
Eric: So I heard that in Russia, some guys say that you can find almost anything in a woman’s bag, but it might take a while. I now know what they mean.
Anna: That’s true.
Eric: But going back to the conversation, do you think it would be possible to exchange something in Russia if you have the receipt?
Anna: I think so, especially if you bought it only the day before. But maybe it would be better to keep the receipt, especially if it’s something expensive. Eric, what’s in your bag?
Eric: Don’t have one, Anna. Alright. Ok, let’s take a look at the vocabulary and phrases from this lesson.
Eric: Our first word is…
Anna: [идти]
Eric: To go on foot.
Anna: [идти]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [магазин]
Eric: Shop, store.
Anna: [магазин]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [купить]
Eric: To buy.
Anna: [купить]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [сумка]
Eric: A bag, a handbag.
Anna: [сумка]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [лопнуть]
Eric: To burst, to break.
Anna: [лопнуть]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [молния]
Eric: A zipper.
Anna: [молния]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [черт!]
Eric: “Oh, no”, “gosh”, “shoot”. Literally, “devil”.
Anna: [черт!]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [думать]
Eric: To think.
Anna: [думать]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [обменять]
Eric: To exchange.
Anna: [обменять]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [знать]
Eric: To know.
Anna: [знать]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [потерять]
Eric: To lose.
Anna: [потерять]
Eric: Next.
Anna: [чек]
Eric: “A check” or “receipt”.
Anna: [чек]
Eric: Ok, let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Anna: The first word we’ll look at is [идти].
Eric: Oh, boy, a verb of movement. So many of them, they all mean “to go”. Do you really have to have so many verbs that mean the same thing?
Anna: But they don’t really mean exactly same thing.
Eric: That’s the problem. I never know which one I should use. You have to think if you can go on foot, by car, once, regularly… It’s a nightmare.
Anna: Well, we use this one for going on foot, not by car.
Eric: And which one should I use if I go by car? Is it [ехать] or something like this?
Anna: That’s right. So we use [идти] if you go somewhere on foot. We also use it to say that we are going somewhere now. We can’t use it for actions that happen regularly. For example, in the dialogue, he asks me [Куда ты идешь?], which means…
Eric: Where are you going? Because I meant now, not every day.
Anna: Exactly so, Eric. So the next word is [купить].
Eric: Another verb. It’s not a verb of movement, at least.
Anna: No, it means “to buy”. For example, [Я купила молоко], “I bought the milk”.
Eric: [Я никогда не купаю молоко]
Anna: Oh, no, Eric. That means “I never wash milk”
Eric: Oh…
Anna: Not “I never buy milk”.
Eric: Well, I never wash milk either.
Anna: Yes, I hope not. But do you want to know why you can’t use [купить] in the present tense?
Eric: It’s a perfective verb, isn’t it?
Anna: Right.
Eric: We can use it in the past and in the future tense, but not in the present.
Anna: Yes. In the present tense we use [покупать] instead, as in [Я никогда не покупаю молоко] or in English, “I never buy milk”.
Eric: I see. Well, what’s the next word? I hope it isn’t a verb again.
Anna: No, it’s a noun [чек]
Eric: Oh, I like this one. It sounds just like check in English, but actually it can mean…
Anna: A different thing.
Eric: Yeah, receipt, right?
Anna: Right. We use it exactly as we do in English too. For example, we use it for a receipt they give you in a supermarket or for a bank check.
Eric: Great. Can I use it for a check in the restaurant too? The one you ask for after a meal.
Anna: No, we call this [счет].
Eric: [счет] and that’s “bill”.
Anna: Yes.
Eric: Ok, great.

Lesson focus

Eric: Now let’s look at the grammar for this lesson.
Anna: Ok. So today we’ll have another look at some grammar from the previous lessons. Eric, do you remember the difference between [куда] and [где]?
Eric: I think so. We use [где] to ask where something is situated…
Anna: Yes, for example, [Где ты живешь?] meaning “Where do you live?”
Eric: And we use [куда] to ask about the direction of movement. We usually use it with verbs of movement like [идти] and [ехать].
Anna: That’s right. For example, [Куда ты едешь?] meaning “Where do you go?” by car or by train.
Eric: By car. And how would you say “Where do you go?” on foot?
Anna: [Куда ты идешь?]
Eric: So, Anna, I have another grammar point related to [куда] and [где].
Anna: What’s that, Eric?
Eric: The answer “I’m going there” is what? How do you say “there” in the answer?
Anna: [Я иду туда]
Eric: [туда] But in our dialogue we used another “there”. What was that line from our dialogue?
Anna: [Я купила там сумку вчера.]
Eric: Ok, let’s break that down slowly.
Anna: [я]
Eric: I
Anna: [купила]
Eric: Bought
Anna: [там]
Eric: There
Anna: [сумку]
Eric: A bag
Anna: [вчера]
Eric: “Yesterday”. So “I bought a bag there yesterday”.
Anna: Right.
Eric: So there’s two theres, “where are you going?” [Куда ты идешь? Туда.], “I’m going there” and “here” is [там] in our dialogue.
Anna: Right.
Eric: “I bought a bag there.” So what’s the difference here?
Anna: We use [туда] to talk about to go there or to fly there. For example, [Вы идете туда.] meaning “Are you going there”?
Eric: I see. So [туда] is used with movement.
Anna: Right. And we use [там] to talk about where something is situated or its position. For example, [Я работаю там], which means “I work there”.
Eric: Ok, so this is stationary, not moving.
Anna: Right.
Eric: So there’s a moving “there”, which is [туда], direction, and then there’s stay put, stationary “there”, [там].
Anna: Right.
Eric: So I have a question.
Anna: Ok.
Eric: In the dialogue, you say [Я иду в магазин], “I’m going to the store”.
Anna: Right.
Eric: How would somebody ask you where you’re going?
Anna: [Куда ты идешь?]
Eric: [Куда ты идешь?]
Anna: If on foot or [куда ты едешь?] if by car.
Eric: Ok, so the [куда] is “Where are you going to” and the answer, if you didn’t say store, if you say “I was going there”, what would you answer be?
Anna: Yeah, if I'm just talking about direction, I would say [Я иду туда].
Eric: “I'm going there.” Ok, good. Now if you worked at the [магазин], at the store, how would somebody ask where do you work?
Anna: [Где ты работаешь?]
Eric: [Где]. ok
Anna: And the answer could be [Я работаю там].
Eric: “I work there.”
Anna: Right.
Eric: So we’ve got the difference. We’ve got [куда]…
Anna: And the answer is [туда].
Eric: [где]…
Anna: Answer is [там].
Eric: Perfect. Thanks, Anna. [спасибо]
Anna: Thank you, Eric.


Eric: Ok, Anna, I think that does it for today.
Anna: Premium members, use the review track to perfect your pronunciation.
Eric: Available in the premium section of the website.
Anna: The Learning Center.
Eric: And through iTunes via the Premium Feed.
Anna: The review track gives you vocabulary and phrases followed by a short pause so you can repeat the words aloud.
Eric: A great way to get better fast.
Anna: [Спасибо, что были с нами сегодня. До встречи!]
Eric: Thanks for being with us today, we’ll see you next time.


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