Vocabulary (Review)

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Привет Всем. С Вами Светлана. Hi everybody! I’m Svetlana.
Welcome to RussianPod101.com’s Русский язык за три минуты. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Russian.
In our last 6 lessons we learned the 6 essential grammar cases of Russian nouns. From now on, we will use them everywhere, and I want you to pay attention not only to the new material but also to the nouns’ declensions in the sentence. Okay?!
In this lesson, you will learn how to express your preferences and wishes in Russian. By the end of this lesson you will be able to say, for example: “I want an ice-cream” or “I love this music.”
Ready? Let’s get started.
Let’s first start with the verb “Хотеть” which means “want”. Like in other languages, Russian verbs will change according to the nouns they relate to. Let’s have a closer look at how they are conjugated with pronouns:
Хотеть - “want”
Я хочу - “I want”
Ты хочешь - “You want”
Вы хотите - “You (plural) want”
Мы хотим - “We want”
Он хочет - “He wants”
Она хочет - “She wants”
Они хотят - “They want”
Let me give you an example:
Я хочу мороженое. “I want an ice-cream.”
Он хочет пить. ”He wants to drink.”
If you use a noun after the phrase “I want”, you should put it in the accusative case.
Она хочет новое платье. “She wants a new dress.”
Они хотят высокую зарплату. “They want a higher salary.”
The nouns платье and зарплату are in the accusative case.
This phrase can also be used with verbs. It is super easy, you simply take the verb in its dictionary form and place it after the phrase. For example:
Мы хотим спать. “We want to sleep.”
Я хочу пить. “I want to drink.”
Он хочет играть. “He wants to play.”
Moving on, our next phrase is “to love something” or “to love doing something”. Yes, in Russian, we use the phrase “I love doing something” even more often that “I like doing something” if we really enjoy doing it.
For example,
“I love listening to music.”
“He loves walking in the park.”
Before I give you a translation for those phrases, let’s take a look how the verb “to Love” will be conjugated:
Я люблю - “I love”
Ты любишь - “You love”
Вы любите - “You (plural) love”
Мы любим - “We love”
Он любит - “He loves”
Она любит - “She loves”
Они любят - “They love”
Like in the phrase “I want”, the noun that comes after the phrase “I love something” will be in the accusative case and the verb in the phrase “I love doing something” will be in its dictionary form. Okay! I think we are ready for some examples. So let’s get back to the phrases:
“I love listening to music.” In Russian it would be Я люблю слушать музыку. The verb “слушать” is in its dictionary form and the noun “музыку” in the accusative case.
“He loves walking in the park.” Он любит гулять в парке. “Гулять” is a verb in its dictionary form and the noun *в парке”, “in the park” is in the prepositional case because the noun “park” is used with the preposition “B”.
And of course, I can`t help but mention a very important phrase for everybody: “I love you”. Ready? Here we go.
Я люблю тебя.
slowly: Я люблю тебя.
That’s a very nice end to this lesson. Good Job everyone!
Do you want to know how to ask whether somebody likes something? And how to answer it? if yes, join us for next t Русский язык за три минуты lesson. Пока Пока

